
            Zaos and Aleni headed toward the throne room, and they didn't find any trouble along the way. While the number of guards around the castle was high, inside, the number was stupidly low. Still, he knew that the royal guards that would be inside were either newbies and the heads… Laiex and Drian. 

"Some messengers are bound to appear often throughout the night, while I talk with them, you should warn me if you sense anyone approaching," Zaos said.

"How do you plan to break the ice?" Aleni asked.

"I guess I will put everyone to sleep, and then wake up the king, depending on what he says and does, I might wake up or not the others," Zaos said. "Come to think of it, if I increase the power of Sleep, they might sleep up for two days, and it will take a while for anyone to notice that are under effects of magic, that should give us enough time to look for the royal library."