Blake’s POV

I was out and about  cruising in my Bugatti   on my way to the office when receive call from Taylor's  phone   in midst of all chaos caused by traffic I park my car  on  side of the road   to pick the call

"Hey brother all   set for Party at my place   and am counting on you to invite  the hot girls  you promised." Blake says

"Enough !  , Of you're stupid antics  you're friend  nearly killed a girl today  I took her  to the hospital ,  I took  you're friend to ceresine forest the next this happens I will stake him."  A loud  venomous base voice spoke through the phone on other line

Who is this ? Blake asked  puzzled

   "Mon  nom   n' est pas important, prochiane  fios  que  mais la vorte ami  fait mal   Mon  serrue , Il   volonte'   regrette

For those you who  don't understand  it is in French meaning  ,

"My name is not important but the next time you're friend  hurts my  bethroned he will regret it !"

The   venomous   an identified voice speaks on other line

   In panic mode  I rush to ceresine forest  in my Bugatti  as fast as could  on reaching there nothing just  endless  filled  trees grave dead   silence with no sign of  life any where just  sheer total darkness   a crismic moon  stood colt  in dark Black sky  ,

  until the sound of raging wolves filled the air, angered and out for blood  they hollows reached every inch and depth of forest , I knew It was  a mater of seconds before I was surrounded by pack of angry wolves . On instinct I use my vampire speed to search for Taylor, in the vast dark cresline forest. Even with my  vamp speed, it took me  several hours to find him  .

I begin feel some droplets of a liquid on my skin, only to realise that it was blood, the droplets continued to drop on me by drop. Until finally I looked up  only to find Taylor hang up in a tree tied up in  thorny vines filled with blood wounds all over his body it was horrific  site,   his face was unrecognisable  all battered  up he had  swollen eyes. His face was filled with cuts his nose was bleeding and his lips were swollen,   With a launched stake in his abdomen,   his clothes were all covered in blood , let's just say he was barely live.

I climbed tree to cut him down when I was done  I was sorounded by wolves   there was no way I would survive if  I went down  to the ground   lifted Taylor into my arms and leaped from tree to tree using my vampire ability as fast as I could until  I reached hidden path  that led me to message written lit up flames  that  read

" Warn you're friend cause next time  he hurts her  I will feed him to the wolves and he will die a very slow and painful death ,

Terrified with what may happen next ,I supper speed Taylor  to my car and  I drove us to his house    once there I place him on bed and nurse his wounds and pull the stake out his abdomen   and remove the thorny vines  and hand him a   ten packs of blood  he galloped them down as fast as he could one after the other in a single motion until he began to heal  slowly but surely the wounds began to heal and his face started normalising until was healed once healed I hand him other two packets of blood,

"Taylor why did you hurt Amaline I thought you loved her, and now some demented sycopath is after you he wants you dead cause you hurt his be throned   and next time you can't control urges he will feed you to the wolves and will die slow and painful death from wolf bites their wolf Spam it  will kill you after being delirious for days in pain and agony"   Blake asked Taylor

"Oh my God, did you say hurt Amaline the woman I love with all my heart mind body and soul if I still had one  and I hurt her you should have left me to die now she will never forgive me I almost killed her  stake me now I want to die." Taylor replied

"No brother I can't kill you  , you have suffered enough since childhood since death of you're mum to being sexually assaulted by step mum, to becoming a  this thing,  to watching ana  die  your mate  and now you have chance to love again.  I just can't." Blake replied

" If  she dies am going to legion to be starved for all internity    bind hidden chambers of locde, what about this man who claims to be her be throned do u know who he is cause no  one  will take Amaline from me even if I have to die million times over me an and  her a meant to be." Taylor says in worried tone

"No only that he must be a supernatural cause he knew you are vampire and only a fellow super natural being  would know the difference  and vow to kill you if this happens a gain ." Blake replys

"Must find out who this being is! "Taylor says in determined voice

"Leaving him on bed I dail Cynthia's number   after few rings   she picks up

"Hi Blake can't wait for party  at yure house me and Amaline a so excited." Cynthia says

Ya sure, any way there is no time for that Amaline as been in life threatening accident and she is barely live ,    please find her parents let them know she is at river wood hospital

"Oh my freaking God  , I must run to Amaline's house  ASAP   they need to know ."she says in panicked voice  before hanging up