- A New World!

Within a private hospital room, an old man lies on a bed with many devices observing his condition.




The sound of the electrocardiogram alerted the nurse's station of a patient flatlining.

Back in the room, the man took his final breath as calm as a lake with not a single ripple.


"L-lord of Evil candidate found. Transferring seed." A voice said nervously as his shaking hands hovered above 2 circular globes each filled with countless stars.

"The first step is, oftentimes, the most difficult." A majestic voice echoed in his mind as a man seemingly made of light was taking a stroll around a white space filled with countless globes similar to the ones in front of the other person.


At the center of a dark and massive throne room, a corpse of a man lies on the carpet.

"Huh?" The man suddenly opened his eyes and jolted up, falling on his back confused.

He began to quickly examine his body only to find out it was entirely different.

'This is not my body!' Looking at his hands, touching his face, everything he felt was not through the senses of an old man.

Then he looked around until his eyes caught the sight of someone on a throne looking at him with eyes as red as blood.

'Am I in hell?' The man thought to himself maintaining a calm face, resigning himself to his fate.

"Hmmm…" The silhouette sitting on the throne curiously sized up the man on the floor as if he had seen something interesting.

The man who was a corpse just seconds ago sprang up like he was just woken up from slumber.

"Are you Satan?" The man asked with a serious tone and calm expression as he stood up.

"No. Who is this... Satan?" The silhouette's eyes narrowed to slits as he seemed to be irritated.

'Hmmm. It seems this is a different world then.' The man deduced, holding a hand to his chin while looking sideways, also surprised that his thinking ability felt clear once more.

Then he tried to recall his memories from the other world and he was overjoyed that they were still there.

He was still himself.

'A dream can't be so vivid.' The man pinched himself on the cheek and confirmed that all of it was real before turning back to look at the silhouette on the throne.

"Who are you?" The silhouette said with a rather annoying voice for being ignored for a time.

"I am E---" The man stopped himself for a moment before continuing. "Your lordship can call me Zexekiel or Zex." Standing at attention and then bowing, he decided to portray submission to this silhouette in hopes of increasing his chances of survival. He also decided not to use his original name, using his long-time IGN instead [1].

"Zex, huh? Then are you saying that you do not own that body?" The silhouette said adjusting his position to a lax manner.

Hearing his IGN being called out after all the years felt cringe-worthy even to him. It felt like worms were crawling over his body making him want to think of another name.

However, he came to terms with it right after recalling that this was another world.

"Yes, your lordship. It seems I have possessed this body after my original one died. However, I have no idea why." Zex explained seriously.

"I see... Tell me. I am quite curious as to why you are as calm as you are right now." The silhouette casually released a portion of his aura onto Zex while tapping a finger once on his armrest.

To his surprise, the man did not even resist it and kneeled with one leg, his knuckles planted on the floor, and his head lowered.

"Your lordship! I feel it is a waste of time panicking. I would rather spend time understanding the situation" Zex explained while keeping the same posture.

Sudden turbulence showed on the silhouette's eyes but quickly regained their original clarity.

"Do you know the owner of that body?" The silhouette asked, still remembering that before the man 'died', he was shaking to the core begging for his life… very much unlike the man in front of him now. Although they looked the same, their bearing differed vastly like comparing a young child to an old general.

Zex tried to recall if this brain hid memories from the original owner but… "Unfortunately, I do not."

"I see. Then it is either you are not from this land... or you are from another world." The silhouette calmly stated. However, as the second half of the sentence came out from his mouth, a deadly aura permeated around Zex, seemingly capable of snuffing him out in an instant.


Zex's mind went into overdrive, searching for the right words to say in this situation, and ultimately sighed in his mind. "Your lordship.

Forgive me for being too forward, but may I ask what this world is called?" He decided to push his luck and gather more information before choosing his next words.

Hearing this, the silhouette went silent for a while before answering. "The name of this world... is Valeingash."

As these words were said, Zex trembled… Not with fear, but with excitement. 'It is a different world…'

Yet that was not the only source of his excitement.

As deep within his consciousness, an interface popped up facing a projection of himself.

"Welcome to Valeingash!!!"

[1] IGN or In-Game Name/Nickname is a gaming slang for the name or nickname chosen by the player to which he or she will be called by the NPCs and other players.