Fu***** up the education system

After a month of minor rehabilitation and phantom pains from his multitude of scars

Koze was back to peak condition no in fact he was even stronger it was like he had a zenkai boost but even smaller than that. After this month he had finally come to the conclusion of himself needing to graduate if he wants to make the most and effectively use his time to get stronger and rule the underworld of Europe. First he decides to ask his mother if he can skip elementry and highschool so he could focus on college level space and rocket as well as biological engineering of this verse because yes maybe the science maybe the same as the marvel verse and his original world the biological aspect certainly isn't so what he wanted to do was firs get the annoying and tedious things like elementry and Middleschool out of the way.

Koze -alright let's go ask mother first-

Koze: "Mom can I skip elementry and Middleschool?"

M:"of course not you can't your not nearly smart enough sweetheart"

Koze:"are you sure about that?" he says with a mischievous grin rising from his face

Mom:" HOHO so your approaching me little boy"

Koze :" I can't outsmart the SH** out of you without getting closer"

M:"little man watch your language!" she says punching him far across the house *imagine kushina*

Koze:"back on topic though is there anyway that I can just skip them like im already smart enough to make it into the worlds best and prestigious college and graduate in a few months"

M:" are you sure your acting like a a cocky little sh**?"

Koze:"Try me h-"

M:" if I were you I'd think more carefully about what I was about to say" she says with a menacing aura exuding of of her body.

Koze:" extremely awesome mother?-"

M:"that's what I thought."

M:"but yeah I'll see what I can do for you."

-time skip-

In the middle of Koze's and fathers intense martial art and workout session his mother walks in and proceeds to say

M:"kid your so lucky you've got a seriously awesome mother!"

Koze :"Wait really where is she!?" after finishing that sentence she brings down her fist that brought immesurable pain and could only be compared to the fist of love from garp

Koze:" I was kidding!?"he says with several bumps stacked on top of each other

M:" you deserved it your luck i didn't give you more like my dragon rush combo" (yes a reference from dbz fighters)

Koze:" remind me to never piss mom off that bad again dad"

J:"duly noted but no promises" he says with a mischievous grin of his own

M:"anyways continuing with the good news at hand. Because of your mom bieng one of the best physicians and biologists in the world they let me not only decide to say if you get a perfect score in English maths triple science and computing and have a high enough iq in them you can skip highschool level and go straight to a college of your choice and yes any college "

After this koze heard this he started grinning hard so much that it was almost up to his ears

-time skip-

St the venue currently koze is in a room by himself in an isolated room with several tests and a macbook Pro at his side all the english and maths and science tests have finished and are currently bieng marked but what koze is doing right now is currently doing a computer practical where he has to make his own website and interface as well as application. What he's currently making right now is snapchat (with wat better filter creation unlike the sh**** real life one) and Instagram since surprisingly they didn't exist in the mha world only line he also decided to make jarvis from marvel but an app prototype so that no one could steal it he made a thick layer of inscription he called the arc reactor after the main man himself Tony starks heart.

Koze - all right everything is finished and ready to go-

He presses the button on the side of the table to alert the proctors he has completed the tests.

The proctors are shocked he managed to get 100%... ON EVERY TEST

Koze :"so I'm guessing by your faces that I've gotten 100% on everything"

Proctor 1 :" yes that is correct but it's not possible you don't even have an intelligence enhancement quirk"

Koze:"Simple be smart and just have that big brain energy" he says as he leaves the room" but as soon as he's about to exit the door he gets stopped by the proctor

Proctor:"Wait! You still have to pick which univerity you wish to attend?!"

Koze:"wdym University I thought I was only allowed to pick the college but I get to skip that too neat!"

Koze:"I choose the most prestigious one in the world"

He says grinning like a madman