1st Day in Ua

Waking up in their mega mansion Lucky, Yassop,Ben and Koze got ready for school but instead of wearing the school uniform they all wore black suits with different coloures lines and a big UA on the back of their suits they were kind of confused why they're uniforms looked like that but they didn't question it since it looked fly as f*** and as soon it was time they started to walk to ua they attracted many eyes not only because of their handsome suit but also the Drip and on the way there they saw a park of cherry blossom and decided to commemorate out acceptance by taking a photo. Anyways as we were entering ua we noticed that nobody was in the hallways so they thought that they were early so they decided to enter class first and surely enough they were so they sat at the back row and started having some fine they were eating drinking heck even watching and as the students came in one by one for some reason they all felt a friendly vibe radiating of off them. Until lida came in scolding them about their uniform which they explained to him came delivered like this to them and wasn't of their own choice but he still decided to scold them for making a rucus and disturbing others which was in fact not true. So they just politley ignored him but then bakugo came into class and the first thing he did was shour


After a few seconds nobody answered That's when he decides to shout even more :" WHY WON'T ONE OF YOU DI******* ANSWER ME?!"

that's when koze decided to speak up :" first of all none of us are as****** or di******* that's why we politley ignored you but your language is quite foul and none of us appreciate your behaviour towards us so settle down and then we may answer your questions" that's when bakugo got furious and started readying up his explosions and was about to blast one at koze until Ben lucky and yassop pulled up :" the f*** do you think you were about to do to our captain yeah he may allow you to talk sh** to him but we're not as nice as him so we will beat the living sh** out of you I if you lay a hair on him" whilst he said that Ben let out 3% of his conquerors out by acc and with this everybody except for Koze's crew were struggling to breathe that's when koze said

:"hey Ben reel back in your conquerors and release the poor kid he's scared sh****** and guys you already know he wouldn't be able to lay a scratch on me so sit down our teachers waking up because of Ben releasing his haki" and as we soon as people of 1-a heard this they were immediately afraid getting on of koze and his crew's bad side . That's when aizawa decided to speak up :" okay koze and your crew afterclasss come to the teachers lounge and the rest of you go to the field we're doing an assessment test"

Ururaka:"what about orientation won't we miss it and what's up with their uniform?" she says pointing at koze and his crew

Aizawa:" first we will not be doing orientation because ua teachers create their own schedule no matter what events are happening." after next looks at koze an his cre and says " and for them their uniforms are different from yours because they are stronger than the big 3 and most hero's at this school with just their physical strength"

After hearing this the students were shocked and were amazed them by themselves are already on levels of pro hero's and one of them could beat the big 3 by themselves

Koze:" aahhhh thank you for humbling us" he says with a grin

Aizawa :" what do you mean humbling?"

Koze :" you will know when the time comes and all for one comes out of hiding."

Aizawa's eyes widen and gives koze a suspicious glare

Whilst getting changed koze Ben lucky and yassop had baki type muscle defenition but not body type and when the boys saw Koze's scar they were all shocked about 15 of them were fatal wounds and kirishima said :"HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?! . But damn those scars are manly as f***!"

Koze :" training and ikr I'm proud of them making me look badass hehehe."

After getting changed they went outside all the girls were looking at koze as if he was a masterpiece because with Koze's uniform it was skin tight because of his muscles and with the definition of his muscles u could see the shape of his swimmer type body.

Aizawa:"koze your up first what did you get for your assessment in middle school?"

Koze :"I skipped elementry and Middleschool and college straight to ***** uni and graduated six months after so I have no physical records"

Aizawa:"enough kidding around what was your score in Middleschool?!" he says getting annoyed at koze and glaring at him

Koze :"sensei have you still not realised my full name and this scar on my face" as he says this Aizawa is in disbelief so asks lida to grab the Register and hand it to him. When aizawa gets handed the register he finally comes upon Koze's full name :" Koze AMAGIRI?!" as soon as he said this everyone became shocked excluding koze himself and his crew

Koze: "took you long enough"

Lida :" no way you know its illegal to impersonate him in every country and city in the world!"

Koze :" if you don't believe me just look at my bank account" he says as he pulls out his phone and shows them

They scroll 18 pages through and there was still more zeros

Koze:"does that confirm my identity?"

Aizawa :"y-yeah anyways lets continue I need you to throw this ball as far as you can."

Koze :"OK" koze uses 100% physical power and chucks the ball forwards it makes it appear all the way to Scotland

Aizawa :"9111 km" hearing this everybody was dumbfounded they realised the gap between koze and his crew and the rest of them

They began to dominate the assessment and and the 4 of them occupied the top 4 spots that's when everyone became utterly terrified even after absolutely decimating the examination they all hadn't.... BROKEN A SINGLE SWEAT ! Then class then ended and it was time to go home but before koze and his crew left they were explicitly asked by aizawa to accompany him to the teachers lounge

-Pov change = teachers lounge-

As koze and his crew entered all the teachers introduced in the anime were present (including all might) then Ben went to get koze a seat and the three of them were standing behind him in a semi circle formation around him.

Nezu :" now right down to business. How much do you know about All for one?"

He asked with a serious slightly raised voice that's when Ben let's his haki began to accidently leak out leaving all the teachers struggling to breath

Ben:" watch your tone whilst talking to my captain you rat "

Koze:" hahaha" koze starts laughing and says "ayy I just realised our principals a rat that's crazy!?" that's when Koze's crew couldn't hold it anymore and started dying of laughter cutting of Ben's haki they soon stopped and regained their composure

Koze:" I apologise for our indecency but I couldn't help it because it doesn't happen everyday" and then his face switches to that of a serious shanks face "but I you should listen to what Ben says because not only could one of them have an all out fight without any equipment and beat all of you except all might who would be slightly difficult"

Nezu:"what was that?! Koze amagiri who are you really to have such people as your subordinates!?"

Koze :"that's for me to know and for you to find out" then he says nonchalantly "how much do you want to know about what I know about all for one till I get bored"


Koze begins to release to release some (5%) of his haki and all might began to cough out blood and de-transform into his skinny might form and gets pinned to the floor from the pressure " first of all I don't want somebody who is this pitiful to raise their voice at me. That's what disobeying order is called baka usagi jiji (idiot grandpa rabbit). Especially when your weak sensei died trying to beat afo and ended up 6 feet under imagine losing to afo even when u have ofa smh you even had to give it to that green haired kid. What was his name oh yeah deku it fits his weak ass he can't even accept his quirk as his own even though it literally apart of him I bet you didn't warn him that he could die from the build up of quirks in his body because of ofa"

That's when snipe tryed to get his gun and point it point blank at Koze's head to interrogate him but yassop with his future sight so this happening and said

Yassop:" hey sh******* snipe that's a terrible trigger finger you've got even when 100% of your shots are barley on target so much for the sniping hero they shouldbe brought lady nagant instead of you." "Pistols Aren't For Threats. They're For Actions! Are You Willing To Risk Your Life?. Captain told me that the day we fought for the first time so I intend to show every person that wields a gun what those words really mean" he says pointing his flintlock at snipes thigh and shoots making him fall to one knee this ment snipe could never snipe properly ever again so he thought "and by proclaiming those words I will become the sniper king and captain over there will be the king of Kings"

Koze:"that was bad ass yassop hehehehe it's good you finally found out what this words truly ment and stayed true to your life's mission" "Now pick your next words carefully hero's or otherwise it won't only be a shot to the thigh next time it will be someones head as an cheerio"

Midnight:" Why did you shoot snipe in the thigh I thought you wanted to become hero's!!!?"

Yassop:" I'll let captain answer that question" he says snickering knowing what his captain is going to say next with his absolute carefree attitude

Koze:" Hahaha ha!! Midnight where did you get the idea we wanted to become hero's" he wipes a tear from his eye "we are pirates first before a hero because a pirate doesn't share his entertainment he Gatekeeps it we only came here because we thought it would be interesting and we would have some good fights but now that I realised you guys are so weak I can't wait till tomura shigaraki grabs your faces and decays them or gigantomachia just steps on one of you and you just die bie accident "

All Mighr:" wait teachers son is till alive where is he!? "

Koze :" why would I tell you that wouldnt be entertaining for all the problems to be resolved quickly that would be so boring so I won't tell you"


Koze :" yassop his leg beck man his eye and lucky his right shoulder"

Yassop, Ben and lucky :" you just have to raise your voice and open your big mouth damn we almost feel sorry for you. Sike. Its funny seeing self centered idiots squeel in pain" they proceed to gouge his eye out breack is leg into five pieces and and destroy the bones in his right shoulder into grains of bone the hero's in the room were terrified

Nezu:"I thought you were going to shoot him in the head"

Koze:" no I cant because him and his successor are crucial to my entertainment and we can't just kill the number one hero without seeing him fight afo first at least and crime rate going up which is a really tedious task I'd rather not deal with. But all might has that organ system of yours trick your brain to try to lie to me. Pathetic."

All might:" what do you mean trick you?"

Koze :" all might when you let your emotions loose you really so turn into a fiend you weren't concerned for the lives at stake deep down you wanted to find him to find him ask for his forgiveness for abandoning when he needed you the most and disregarding your teachers last words you really are a broken shell of the man called the symbol of peace. Make sure izuku doesnt turn into a failure just like you and don't hide anything from him because trust me I will know if you have. "

Standing up and having the pro's facing his back he said :" guys let's leave this vermin filled nest no offense nezu "

As he said that all of them did the same and left the room and went home

Nezu:" hs's right we are vermin we can't lead the new generation of heroes down the same path as us no matter how bad it gets we have to stand up and protect and lay down our lives for the people we are supposed to protect with true and unclouded reason"

They knew deep down all he said was correct but damn he was a man of his word he didn't repeat what he said and proceeded to leave all might half crippled knowing that he would have might sense to cover his lost sight