Awakening to a Backer

"Ah good you're awake" said an observer. Tempest who had just woken up to the inky black of what seemed to be the abyss and with someone watching her questioned.

" how did I get here, who are you, and why am I here?"

"All of your questions will be answered in due time my mortal friend. As for why you are here because I deem it so." Responded the observer in an arrogant yet ethereal tone. Tempest pondered how one could sound so nice yet be so arrogant.

"Ok seeing as I am not getting a straight answer out of you. Lets stop wasting time and get to the point shall we."

"Yes we shall. I brought you here by accident so I have decided to give you a small blessing and then throw you into the cosmic whirlpool see where you end up. So in the end this is going to be lots of fun for me not so much fun for you. Better hope you land on a developed world."

"Could you not just leave my life to the cosmic winds and just toss me on a developed world?"

"I mean I could but I would think of it was the blessing."

"Thats fine I would rather not end up sold again."

With that Tempest fell back asleep and the observer looked upon her and said.

"I was going to put you on a developed world any way can't have my fox causing more trouble than planned." The observer though for a moment about the events that had led to this about how her lover had been separated from her forcefully, how it had taken millennia before she showed up again, and how once she noticed she had drunken herself into a stupor while planning out how to bring her back. This plan involved putting Tempest back in her original body template. The last thing the observer said before sending Tempest off.

"It will be a while before I can see you in the flesh my love. At least I have a blank canvas to work with and make love me."

When Tempest opened her eyes again she immediately tried to move her limbs. Upon realizing she couldn't even open her eyes fully she though about what could have put her in such a predicament. Her thoughts were quickly ended when she heard a language she couldn't understand with that she began to realize she was newborn but one question remained why did feel like she had extra limbs. However this all a problem for later as Tempest falls asleep once more.

This time waking up in the arms of a true beauty who was talking to a relatively handsome man about how her child had yet to cry or make any noise. If Tempest had heard this she would have taken offense because while she couldn't remember much she did remember that she really only talked when absolutely necessary the rest of the time she was mute. Tempest's mother noticed that Tempest was awake when she tried to squirm out of her arms. Her mother says something about Tempest being hungry as Tempest still doesn't understand what is being said she tries to muster up a questioning look. Tempest's mother sees this and thinks it is cute. Tempest feeling the pangs of hunger tries waving her arms towards her mom's breasts. Tempest's mother seems to have realized that Tempest is hungry and gets up and moves to a cabinet and gets out a milk bottle.

While Tempest is sucking down milk she has a chance to look around little bit. Tempest noticed that there seemed to be something strange floating in the air something intangible as when she went to grab it she couldn't. Tempest's mother seeing her groping the air though that she was still hungry gave her some more milk. After that Tempest was put to bed. Time moved forwards and Tempest grew soon able to crawl and climb things she would sneak around at night to try and find stuff to read. Tempest did eventually find a library on one of her nightly excursions but to her dismay she couldn't read what was written either. In the end Tempest had to wait for her mother to teach her the language. There was one thing that bugged Tempest though where was her mother's better half? She had yet to see any pictures or art of her mother and someone else in the massive mansion. Just as Tempest went to leave the library she felt incredibly drowsy.

"Curse this small body why can't it just do what I want." whined Tempest. Tempest then crawled another dozen or so meters before falling asleep. When Tempest's mother found Tempest was no longer in her crib it scared her. Tempest's mother then went to look at the security footage from the previous nights. Watching the footage Tempest's mother discovers what Tempest has been up to at night and where she is. Tempest having woken up by now realizes her mother is probably awake and concerned about where she is. Ignoring this Tempest tries to find food but instead finds a very angry mother blocking her path to food. Tempest's mother scolds Tempest while carrying her all about to fix the small messes she made all over the place. As Tempest is still hungry having not eaten since yesterday and her mother suddenly remembers this fact. While taking Tempest to go have some food her mother contacts some people to renovate Tempest's room so it is harder for her to sneak out.

With feeding Tempest done and the modifications to her room complete Tempest's mother returned her to the room. Now instead of having a simple locking door it used a hand scanner. The interior was also different the crib had been removed and replaced by a pit two meters deep and filled with pillows, plushies, and blankets. The changing table had been moved up against the same wall as the door in between the pit and the door there was a semi-solid wall. A material that is solid when a current is passed through it but not quite solid, liquid or gas, at other times in this state stuff like people can pass through it. Tempest thought that all this just cause she snuck out a couple times seemed like over kill. Tempest resigned to spending her time in the room full of plushies it not that she didn't like it in fact she loved it, but Tempest had wanted to learn more about the world.

Time passed and Tempest had learned to walk her mother seemed impressed as she wasn't even eight months old yet. Around this time Tempest tried learning to speak but found that she was in fact mute. By the time Tempest was one and half years old and was expected to speak she though that she would have to see a doctor, but suddenly her mother stopped using a teachers tone of voice when using certain words and instead taught Tempest how to read and what those words sounded like so that she could at least understand what was being said. Tempest's thoughts on the matter were of relief that she could finally communicate. The first thing Tempest's mother said to her was.

"I know that you can understand what I am saying to you now. My name is Venesare Kat and your name is Tempest Kat. I know you probably have questions about how I am able to tell that you are a mute yet smarter then the average toddler."

Tempest took out the tablet she had been given for communication and wrote.

"Why can you tell I am smarter, where are other people like your better half, and what am I?"

"I can tell because of your actions and a bit telepathy. People who are or have a high chance of being more powerful than my in the dominion of the mind I can not read and I haven't been able to read you since you were born. Also what toddler sneaks off to a library. As for what we are see you noticed your tails and ears you are a kitsune, I am not. I say that you were born but you literally fell out a of a space-time rift in to my lap with a note that had the word Tempest on it. I assumed that was your name if you don't like it we can change it. As for other people it was pretty hard just registering you under my name if they find I am sheltering a space-time anomaly we will both be in a lot of trouble."

"Next question what is with all of this stuff in the air?"

"That could be mana or qi depending on which path you take. How long have you been able to see it?"

"For as long as I can remember. It is extremely distracting also the day I got to the library I seemed to have absorbed some. As it was less dense all around me but every where else it was normal."

"Hmm let me have a look. I see ok so you are well on your way to forming a mana core by the looks of it and you also have a special power like mine. What it is I can't tell just yet."

"What can I do with this mana core and power? What are your powers?"

"My powers are telekinesis and telepathy. For the mana core you will be able to do a lot of the kinesis powers and more depending on your aptitude and affinity mash up. Your special power could be anything from being able to shrink to having a slightly more sensitive nose."

"Why did you modify my room so I couldn't leave?"

"I am not going to answer that one. How do you know so much yet I have only seen you read a single book for literally a second before closing it?"

"I just seem to know. For instance I have always thought of myself as Tempest yet I didn't know that was properly my name."

"That is interesting. How do you like the furnishing of your room?"

"Is quite delightful I love it needs more plushies though and a soldering kit."

"I can get you more plushies but no soldering kit. As for why because I can see those scheming eyes of your's young miss."

"But mom I want to make a custom tablet for my purposes."

"Hmm fine but it leaves the room when I am not watching."

"Okay." Tempest types while showing an exasperated face. With the conversation coming to a close for now Tempest swaps her current tablet to drawing mode and starts designing her new tablet.