Meeting Someone Else

It was another six months of tinkering and studying spells before Tempest could meet Echo and so those months passed making Tempest two years old. Slightly older and taller Tempest could now do things no normal mage could even if they devoted centuries of life. Interestingly enough most elemental branches had a way of prolonging life with the element of Time's method being the most powerful with the least side effects, while thee element of Space did a decent job it was by far the most dangerous as it relied on gravity manipulation and could accidentally turn you into a black hole. It is said that to be a time magician one must be incredible at time management as they are always on time and do everything precisely, they make great bureaucrats sadly though only two time magicians have become bureaucrats. Tempest's mother Venesare entered the room with a small child in witch robes.

Tempest used a new implant to display. "Who is the loli in witch robes?"

"I was getting there Tempest and since when where you able to make text appear out of thin air?"

"Seeing as you will go on a tangent Venesare how about you introduce me to this little one." Said the little girl in witch robes.

"Ah yes almost forgot, Tempest this is Echo the Space Time Witch. She came to see if you have the affinities and skills required to become her disciple in future."

"Does this mean that Echo or the loli witch has my space and time grimoires?"

"They are not yours just yet and they won't be unless you play with these stones." Echo then hands a space stone and time stone. These stones while incredibly rare can also be used to test someones affinity in a particular element.

Once both stones where in Tempest's tiny hands they lit up like the sun.

"Wow Venesare she is truly talented in space and time magic. You said she had other elements do you know how powerful?"

"I am sorry Echo but no I don't know quite how powerful other then when using the general affinity stone it disintegrated. It's easier to say which elements she doesn't have."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I have seen Tempest use all of the basic elements excluding time and space."

"Wait you mean that she is an all element mage meaning that she will be able to use all intermediate and advanced level magics in future."

"If I could just get more grimoires yes I would be able to cast those magics here you can have these back." Tempest hands over the space and time grimoires after copying them to her interface. Both Venesare and Echo look over at Tempest to see that, Tempest is now taller than Echo and is no longer a toddler but a young and pretty lady. Along with the sudden growth of a physical nature Tempest's powers also grew earning her her second tail. Though the down side of Tempest's aging method was extremely clear as her hair silky white hair that was only just growing in was now down to her knees, her nails where many centimeters long, and she had a mouth full of teeth because as she had aged rapidly her adult teeth grew in too.

"Tempest why is there another tail and how did you age?" Both adults asked.

"I aged because I used time magic while you two were talking to speed up time in a small radius around me. Why I aged thats because I hated being stuck in a toddlers body do you know how hard it is to do detailing work on nano-bots and the like with chubby hands and shitty muscle control." Even though Tempest was still mute after aging she spat out all of the teeth before replying. "As for the new tail the more mana I store, the better I am at magic, and how good I am with my esper powers. The more of these conditions are fulfilled the more tails I will have. I think it caps at nine though."

"Ah yes that reminds me Tempest what is your esper ability?" asked Echo while glaring hatefully at Tempest's chest.

"My esper abilities are Particle Manipulation, Particle Creation, and Particle Destruction. The creation and destruction aspects covert mana to mass and mass to mana respectively. Are you jealous of my body you old hag?"

"Just because I have and aged down body doesn't mean that I will respond to your taunts. You are a scary prodigy. People will want you dead, good thing you seem powerful enough to deter pretty much everything."

"I still have something to show you." Tempest pulls out Cloud and enlarges her."This is my fox plush Cloud. I plan on make her into an artificial intelligence using nano-bots. I considered turning her into a homunculi but I realized if I use a AI then she can be the back bone of all of my technology not just my familiar."

"That is a neat plushie but you are now 'older' Tempest is really appropriate for you to cling to such a thing?" Said Venesare jumping into the conversation.

"Mother while I may be 'older' my taste hasn't changed much and I still love my stuffed animals. So yes I am keeping my current sleeping arrangements though I do need to expand them to fit me." Tempest then used some earth spells to reshape her room to make it larger. Tempest sunk the floor by about two meters and extended the room back by at least ten. While the floor was now lower, so was Tempest's pit of stuffed animals and plushies. The pit it self was now three meters deep, two meters wide, and two meters long. To decorate the room and fill the pit with plushies Tempest used her esper ability to create them. The new work station and spinny office chair that could float along with some thought controlled holographic projectors replaced the furniture that occupied the limited space before. The projectors could be linked to the implant Tempest was currently using to communicate with people and store the information independently. "So mother how about my new room pretty nice?"

"This is nice, but why is your chair floating?"

"because I designed it to work with my esper abilities and I can't fly."

Echo asks. "Tempest could I get you to renovate my house?"

"Sure it will only cost all of your magical grimoires. As I noticed that the ones handed to me where the basics."

"If they where the basics how did you manage to accelerate time in the area around your body?"

"Well just because they are basic doesn't mean that I can't make my own spells. After all I am proficient in most technology. This does include time and space compression technology, as I can create an entirely new dimension just using tech; now I can do it with tech and magic and if I obtain your books I will be able to do it with just magic."

"Technological space and time compression is possible? Show me."

"Ok, lets visit my tech testing dimension." Tempest uses the implant to whitelist Venesare and Echo together all three enter Tempest's private dimension. Tempest feels that the sense of awe from when she first entered the marble interior is still there. Looking at the newcomers Tempest finds their actions funny as they look around open mouthed. "This is were I build new tech and experiment with it, as outside of this station it is just an empty void not a vacuum but it can be This is just the entrance hall. The rest of the station doesn't look as pretty but it is still nice, as I have yet to decorate this place."

"Venesare it's time to come clean about how you obtained this little one because there is no one on this planet capable of things that Tempest is."

"So Echo you are going to find this really funny. Tempest isn't from our planet maybe even our universe she fell out of a Space Time Anomaly, about two years ago now. I have never been able to read her mind using my powers and she has been displaying her unusual level of intelligence since she was six months old. Then again for the first six months Tempest really only slept and snuck around at night to find the library. I only figured out that she was crawling around after I found her missing from her crib and asleep in a hallway."

"So Tempest is a Space Time Anomaly then and how do you know she isn't hostile. I mean like she has only been here two years but up until now has had now ability to wipe out the planet, but now with space magic it would be very easy for her."

"I would like it if you two stopped talking about me like I am not here, and I have no intention of destroying the world currently as I still need some where to live and buy things. I might end up killing lots of people though as most are replaceable."

"Ok I know that I am not exactly your mother Tempest but I feel I should at least attempt to teach you that attitude is wrong."

Tempest looked aggrieved about that, Echo then commented. "A moral detachment from most things is typically a great idea especially when dealing with dimensional horrors."

"Echo should you really be encouraging this kind of attitude in your own disciple?"

"Yes I should as some of the things I have done to obtain power are morally and ethically dubious at best and at worst highly frowned upon. I have been trapped in other universes and the only way out was to massacre the whole population and destroy everything. Thats to say nothing about the things I have heard about Tempest. Her name comes up in almost every universe and dimension where there is civilized life and even a few where there isn't. Some of the entities that have mentioned that name in a tone that borders on worship and fear are some of the most powerful entities I have met. I have only met Tempest once and she looked exactly like the one here except with nine tails instead of two and a different hair and fur color."

"Aw Echo you must of come across The Scatter Initiative. It was a thing I did to perfect my research into space time and dimensional technology. I cloned myself several hundred times changed their hair color and imprinted the urge to come back to me, then used several different methods to scatter them in various places randomly. I have yet to get any results from my clones but the experimental devices worked mostly. There was only had about a two percent of a clone exploding into a pile of meaty giblets. Echo what color hair did the clone have in RGB values if you know them?"

"Tempest I am no freak like you and WHAT THE HELL you are basically considered a plague to so many civilization and dimensional travelers. Tempest you have a universal and dimensional hit on you the original. Also you might have a very strong regenerative ability, as the clone I met literal got turned into meat paste and came back."

"To my knowledge I don't have such an ability, but I did assign all shades of white to do genetic research, black to do physics, and blue to do engineering there are more but those are the important ones."

Echo seeing that she isn't going to make Tempest see what is wrong here gives up. Venesare could barely follow the conversation, but did understand that Tempest had been cloning herself raising several concerns.