Playing Dress Up

The interior of Leon's manor was very classical with modern fixtures. While Tempest wanted to take a tour of the manor Leon used some bad excuse to put this off. Instead taking Tempest straight to a bathroom to get Tempest all cleaned up. For the most part Tempest was trying desperately to escape her fate. Tempest was deeply regretting not looking into the future before reversing her age, as now all paths did not lead to favorable outcomes for Tempest. While Leon held Tempest aloft and bound her limbs to prevent Tempest from escaping the bath or make a mess. Not realizing her current predicament Tempest had finally found a solution to her problem just shrink, because of some quirks of the space magic being used Tempest couldn't advance her age but she could change her size.

Tempest shrunk down to such a size that she was still visible but you would require tweezers to do anything with her. Leon saw this and brought Tempest back up to standard size. Seeing this Tempest tried to squirm out of Leon's grip even more. Upon reaching the bathroom Tempest was unceremoniously stripped of her one piece dress. How Leon managed to do this with Tempest's arms still bound together astounded Tempest. As Leon had not prepared the bath ahead of time she decided to scrub herself and Tempest while waiting for the bath to fill.

To wash Tempest Leon sat her down on her lap. While washing Tempest's hair Leon brushed against one of Tempest's ears eliciting a very soft and seductive moan, almost so quiet that Leon couldn't hear it. This moan stirred up multiple thoughts within Leon beyond this was the first sound she had ever heard out of Tempest. The other thoughts pertained to Tempest's ears and tails if they were sensitive zones or not. Leon figured she would get to test this out when she did Tempest's tails. After finishing Tempest's hair Leon moved on to her tails. While cleaning Tempest's tails Tempest stopped resisting and started purring and moaning at the same time. Leon took note of these weak spots for later.

Tempest sat comfortably in Leon's lap while Leon fussed over her. The bath had finished filling so Leon picked up the considerably calmer Tempest and got in the bath with her. In the bath Tempest played with a rubber ducky. Leon sat with Tempest between her legs watching her play while petting Tempest's head. Leon had realized that just petting Tempest kept her calm and helped Leon relieve some stress. After a while Tempest got bored with the duck and started playing with magic. There was soon icebergs with castles floating about the bath. The new icebergs caused the bath to rapidly drop in temperature. With a now cold bath Leon picked up Tempest and left the bathroom, after drying off. As soon as she was dry Tempest put on another one piece dress.

The new dress raised some questions for Leon as she felt the mana condense into a solid. Something that by all means should be impossible. These questions were not nearly as high of a priority as convincing Tempest to go along with the dress up plans.

While Tempest did enjoy head pats was very much against how Leon was weaponizing them at least Leon wasn't playing with her tails. Tempest had noticed the erotic nature of her tails and was slightly worried as having two tails was already troublesome but to have nine tails that acted as erogenous zones was highly worrying. Beyond that Tempest thought about what Leon could do with this information, as Leon already had some indecent plans for her

Leon had brought me a scanner room probably to get my measurements. I just wish Leon would stop patting my head though as it made me not want to move or do anything. So I could think up all the plans I like about escaping but because the head pats I didn't even want to act on these plans. To get my measurements everything had to me removed clothes and bindings. Finally free from Leon's infernal head pats and the binding I realized that I had no escape now. After removing the bindings and my dress Leon put my in the center of the room and left. After that I was bathed in a blue light. Soon after the blue light was finished Leon came back into the room however this time without my dress. Leon then scooped me up into her arms and resumed patting my head I began contentedly purring and stopped trying to fight her. I am really beginning to think I am at least a tiny bit part cat.

"Come on Tempest lets go and get you dressed." Leon said while patting my head.

By this point I had fallen asleep in Leon's arms. When Leon saw that Tempest had fallen asleep in her arms due to the head pats she was very surprised because while she knew that the head pats had a sedative effect on Tempest she didn't quite know to what extent. Either way I was awoken when she laid me down on the couch in her closet/cloth fabricator.

While Leon was pulling up designs to be made I shook off thee grogginess from my nap and had a quick look at my genome and found that it was changing. While I would still be an pseudo-god I would no longer be a kitsune but a nekoshou. Eventually my tails and ears would go from foxlike to outright cat features. While not worrying in of itself the fact that I was changing with out my knowledge or consent was worrying. As if these thoughts were sensed the system I had forgotten about pinged.

[Due to some unforeseen consequences of my actions I have had to modify you and your system. This will be one of a few messages you will ever receive from me Tempest. Your system will no longer function period anything in the inventory will be deleted, all sign in rewards will no longer be eligible, and the system will no longer display your status. So for all intents and purposes your system is no more. The race change is to help hide your identity some fellow all powerful beings were not pleased with my decision to bring you out of storage. To answer some of your questions no you were not reincarnated, yes your existence breaks so many rules that I have to hide you. Do be careful the Observer.]

After reading this message from the one behind her system multiple times Tempest realized what it meant. There was obviously a reason why all powerful beings would want someone was good as Tempest locked away. However I also figured that anyone who would free me has reasons and they might be incredibly detrimental to me.

Leon had noticed that I was awake but didn't say anything as she had seen my eyes were glazed over like I was in a daze. This was not far from the truth as with the information I had just received I was astounded. Seeing as I had snapped out of my daze and the clothes were ready Leon brought me from the couch to a couple of standing mirrors. I was then dressed in a black frilly dress with red trim and underside, a baby set of heels, and a hair clip with a cute little bat on the end. All that was needed to complete the look was a scythe and some fangs to look like the perfect little vampire. The next outfit was very similar but almost the opposite in goals. This outfit was a white toga with golden accents, a set of holographic wings (My own addition), and a pair of sandals. I now looked like a cute loli angel. While none of these outfits emphasized my unique looks they did look pretty good on me and I would say that Leon probably agrees give the fact she has a nose bleed and has been constantly taking pictures.

What I didn't know was that Leon was sharing these pictures with my mother Kat and Echo. The three of them had formed a group devoted to my cuteness and strangely enough my seductive beauty.