Plans Don't Always Succeed

Leon woke up and thought she was seeing double as there were two Tempest's at the end of her bed. However as it was close to three in the morning Leon was not quite happy with this and decided to deal with it later by simply imprisoning the extra as well. With that Leon went back to sleep leaving Tempest alone.

Tempest however was not happy with this she thought that her plan would succeed no matter what happened. Sadly for Tempest this wasn't the case seeing as her plan didn't work and she was to tired to think up a new one she dismissed the body and went to sleep.

When Leon woke up again in the morning the sun was already shining. After getting ready for the day Leon noticed Tempest was still sleep and hadn't moved. Which is weird because Leon had definitely moved more than five meters from the bed. The reason why Tempest hadn't moved was she had cast a very complicated spell on herself before falling asleep. The spell could almost be considered sentient or very close to it. The spell was essentially a wish the caster would set a goal and the spell would do literally anything to make it happen. Tempest's goal was to wake up naturally and not be interrupted during her sleep.

To make this happen space was folded so that no matter were Tempest was she would always be within five meters of Leon, Tempest was also in a sort of magical cocoon that isolated her from the rest of the world no sound or physical disturbances would be able to enter the cocoon.

It was disturbing to Leon that she couldn't even touch Tempest while she was asleep. Eventually Leon gave up on waking Tempest up she had tried a multitude of spells ranging from water conjuration to slightly contained explosions. After failing to wake Tempest up Leon left and told a homunculus to watch her for when she wakes up.

Meanwhile Tempest was having the best sleep she had had in quite a while. What Tempest didn't know was that she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. Several days later while Leon was working in her office she received a ping from her manor and a surprise guest. Tempest had just awoken from her sleep and the wish spell she had cast wore off over a couple seconds. Once the spell was completely gone Tempest was teleported to Leon as the binding spell was still in effect. Much to Leon's chagrin and happiness Tempest appeared on her desk messing up thee carefully organized stacks of paperwork, but because she was almost instantly teleported over after waking up she hadn't gotten changed.

Leon looked at Tempest in her cute dino onesie and said. "Hello cutie what are you doing here."

While Tempest might be able to project a blank face it doesn't stop her from blushing at Leon's greetings. Tempest gets off the desk jumps on to Leon's lap and hides her face in Leon's chest. Leon saw this and chuckled at Tempest's actions. Hearing Leon chuckle Tempest left her lap and hid under the desk with Cloud. As there was now a temperamental cat under her desk Leon decided she had done enough work for the day.

Under the desk Tempest was variating between a mix of emotions and thoughts, because as much as she shows the world she is emotionless it isn't quite true. Soon however Tempest had turned the underside of the desk into a comfy space using a combination of spells and her abilities. Leon decided to take a peek underneath her desk as she suddenly felt like she had a lot more leg room. What Leon saw as an extended space that contained a full living space and a sign saying to get back to work.

Once Tempest was down customizing her space she noticed she wasn't being teleported back to Leon even after exceeding five meters. It didn't take long for Tempest to realize that as long as she was within an isolated space pocket within five meters of Leon she would be fine. Using her newly gained knowledge Tempest moved her living space from under Leon's desk to a necklace that Leon would be unable to take off. Inside the necklace was a small solar system that Tempest had created to train herself. Tempest had decided to train herself because she realized that she focused on her aspect of technology far more than magic. The inside of the space was under a temporal distortion effect, so that Tempest could complete her training quickly compared to others.

Before heading to her private solar system Tempest pops her head out from under the desk between Leon's legs and says. "I am going to go train inside that new necklace of yours. If you would like to visit say I am hereby releasing Tempest of all and any bonds I hold her."

"Heh no I will just teleport in thanks, nice try though."

Tempest looks up pouting in disappointment before entering her training space. The entrance point is a manor on the summit of a mountain on the only somewhat habitable planet in the system. The rest of the planet and planets were designed to be death traps with inhospitable environments and incredibly hostile creatures. Every planet had two teleport points to leave or exit at the poles and the further one went from the poles of the planet the more the difficulty increased till its max at the equator. The planet Tempest was currently on had a manor around the teleporter the planet was dedicated to water and ice.

It took Tempest ten days before she was proficient enough in fire magic to cross the first zone. Tempest favorite fire spell was a simple utility ward that when applied would warm up whatever it was applied to the heat scaled with the mana inputed. So for say an ice golem you could apply the ward to its chest with an excessive amount of mana and melt the poor thing. Seeing as Tempest had completed one out of the ten areas between her and the next planets teleporter. Tempest decided to head out and see what was going on.

Before leaving her training space Tempest used time magic to change her appearance from small cute child to a demure young lady who looked to be a 20 something. The change in appearance also required a change of clothes as the one piece skirts Tempest had been wearing. Instead Tempest was going to wear a fancy dress but couldn't get the dimensions right so she conjured an simple yet elegant suit. With her cloths fixed and ready Tempest left the space.

Outside of the training space it had been five days during this time Leon forgot that she was bound to Tempest. When Tempest went to exit Leon was in the middle of a meeting with Echo discussing Tempest.

"So I hear Tempest caused trouble on her first day here." Echo said while pondering what her disciple got up to.

"Well kinda of you see she cast magic without permission, however it was to escape a group of people trying to bully her." Leon stated like it was fact which it was.

"I don't personally see the need to punish Tempest if thats the case."

"You see she was surrounded and as the bullies were going to throw a punch Tempest teleported out of the encirclement. This caused the bullies to start fighting between them."

"I still don't see why you should pun-"

Suddenly in between the two woman Tempest appeared.

"Who are you?" Echo asked noticing that the unknown woman had teleported in between them. Leon was surprised before realizing she used to do the exact same thing back in the day.

Tempest looked at both in the eyes before saying. "Hello there." Then teleporting back inside the training space.

Leon noticed her necklace which contained the training space glow. The glow made Leon think on the identity of the intruder. "I think I know who just intruded on our meeting. However I am not 100% sure."

"So who do you think it is?"

"Tempest... maybe."

"Wait what last I saw her she was a teenager?" Asked Echo in confusion forgetting she is a permanent loli.

"Yes and last I saw her she was a small child not mature shy mid 20s lady." Leon stopped to think before continuing. "I mean I know where Tempest should be if we want to check."

"Yes I have just noticed that Tempest isn't around you is she?" Echo said while glancing around.

"No five days ago she put this necklace on me and disappeared." Leon paused to remember just what Tempest had said back then. "Tempest told me to do a general counterspell and then it would bring me in."

"So that means that there is probably something contained within the necklace and that we could just teleport in." Echo said while standing up.

Once both Leon and Echo were stood up Echo tried a standard teleport spell and failed. With the failure Echo looked closely at the necklace and saw that the centerpiece gem contained a miniature sun surrounded by a ring which seemed to be powering some enchantments and machinery. From what Echo could make out of the enchantments one needed a specific teleportation spell or to say phrase to enter. Leon on the other hand was starting to become uncomfortable as Echo essentially had her face in Leon's boobs. After a while Echo had found the particular spell through a combination of reverse engineering and trial and error.

Upon entering the space inside the necklace Echo and Leon were astounded as space mages they both knew how hard and expensive it would be to create a space this large. Tempest noticed two new presences near her manor. Before returning to her manor Tempest had to finish off a small hydra, this hydra was made in the image of with out all of the capabilities of a normal hydra such as the extensive regeneration and fire breathing. Tempest was stalking the hydra with a conjured bow that used specially enchanted arrows. While Tempest would rather have used a gun more technologically advanced stuff doesn't play well with magical enchantments, especially when it involves explosions.

The hydra stopped for a brief second and Tempest didn't notice coming into it's detection radius. Once Tempest realized that the hydra had noticed her she fired an enchanted arrow at one of its five necks. The arrow was enchanted with a quite frankly ridiculous amount of mana to fuel a simply heating spell. Tempest's logic was that if you stick a massive amount of heat into a living creature it will be at least mildly inconvenienced. The hydra however was more then mildly inconvenienced the enchantment held so much mana that the ground around the hydra was melting. The hydra itself was slowed down by the heat but because of its massive body the heat was radiating off. The now slowed hydra tried to take a chunk out of Tempest but missed at the heat was messing with its depth perception to the point something over a hundred meters away looked close. This effect was caused by the liquid in the hydra's eyes evaporating. Tempest not satisfied with how soon the hydra was going to die fired another arrow that lodged itself in another neck. The hydra died rather quickly from an excessive amount of heat boiling it's internals.

With the hydra dead Tempest was finished training for the day and decided to spend the time before dinner enjoying her private beach and a drink. The downside to residing in a private solar system is that there is no one to do things for you or keep people out of unwanted areas. The uninvited duo of Echo and Leon were very vigorous with their exploration of Tempest's house and surrounding grounds. Their act of egregious trespassing prompted Tempest to think of defense measures for her garden, her thoughts on the matter were. 'I should makes some technologically enhanced tentacle plants that paralyze any female intruders and kill all males. The technology would be for distinguishing between genders and targeting.' Before the duo could wreck any more havoc Tempest had an AI gardener find them and bring them to the butler.

The butler greeted Leon and Echo. "Madam has noticed your presence and requested you stop trampling her garden while looking for her. So please wait here." The butler had brought the two of them into a lounge for them to wait in. "I shall be back to retrieve you when dinner is served."

Echo was first to fire ask. "When is dinner then?"

The butler turned to Echo and replied. "Dinner will be when I come and get you."

"That wasn't helpful at all."

"I am not programed to be helpful to anyone other than madam. In fact I actually have protocols designed to be delightfully obtuse and annoying to any unexpected guests." Responded the butler in a dry british accent.

Leon responded with a questioning tone. "It doesn't seem like your master wants visitors."

"You would be correct." After that final statement the butler left the room and locked both Echo and Leon inside the lounge. Tempest was awoken from her nap by a maid alerting her that the guests had been taking care of that maid bot didn't last long against a strike from Cloud.