The Aradithe

The Aradithe are a species of humans, much similar to the typical human such as you or eye. However all the Aradithe are women, at least their image is similar to that of our own.

The Aradithe are neither male nor female, but are a hybrid of both. Concealed within their wombs the Araditha have testicles not visible unless dissected. These testicles can created sperm once they reach a sexual maturity and allows them to reproduce. Despite having testicles though, the Aradithe cannot created sperm naturally and must digest a Yang flower. A Yang flower can only grow in one grove on a island at the heart of the Central lake. As well, the Yang flower can only be picked in a moonless night and must be consumed the same night.

In order to assure that they always have enough Yang flowers the Aradithe only pick then once every three moon cycles. They also alternate who receives the Yang flower. One quarter of the Aradithe get it one harvest, another quarter the next cycle and so on until it repeats.

Yamatar is a sixteen year old Aradithe. The day previous to the next harvest Yamatar had finally received her first period, making her eligible to receive a Yang flower. This excited Yamatar more than anything had ever done.

Yamatar's assigned partner in life, Mazia, had always spoken highly of the Yang flower, bragging about the pleasurable sensation it left. This always made Yamatar jealous. Mazia had consumed the Yang flower since she was nine and it was because of it that they had their one year old daughter Dena. However Yamatar still loves Mazia.

The elders had agreed to let Yamatar receive a Yang flower.

Yamatar now sits on her bed back in her hut with a Yang flower in hand. It is a white flower with black edge.

Mazia had decided to let Yamatar have privacy on her first taste of the Yang flower and had taken Dena with her to her parents house for the night.

Yamatar took a deep breath of the flowers mystifying scent before shoving it in her mouth.

Yamatar felt nothing. She wondered if Mazia had lied to her... Yamatar's legs shot out and she fell onto her back. A deep moan left her lips and she closed her eyes. There are no words to describe the pleasure she felt.

It came in waves causing her to spasm. It is as if she were touched by divinity.

The sensation seemed to last an eternity, which Yamatar is fine with. But as the first streak of light hit Yamatar's face the sensation slowly began to fade.

Yamatar lay panting on her bed with her eyes open. As soon as she was calm enough, Yamatar sat up. Her body, clothing and bed had become drenched in sweat and... urine. This caused Yamatar to blush despite no one being around. She had not even noticed the yellow juice leave her body, and Mazia never said anything about herself urinating after consumption. Maybe she was just as embarrassed?

Yamatar took a long bath afterwards. But it did not feel as good as it once did. The warm water usually gave her body satisfaction, but it seemed meager to the Yang flower.

Once she had finished her bath she changed into a fresh pair of clothes and cleaned up after herself. Once she had she set out to Mazia'a parents place.

Little did Yamatar know that her consumption of the Yang flower would change her life forever. In more ways than she thought.