The Hunter

The next mourning a knock came to the door. Wadetre still laid fast asleep in her bed, and Adelo had already begun his morning chores. Yamatar answered the door.

A Aradithe dress in leather armour with a bow and full quiver stood at the door.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

The Aradithe loomed over each of Yamatar's shoulders into the hut, then at Yamatar.

"I am Feltress, a hunter of the Aradithe. I am looking for one of our own, their name is Wadetre. They are about this tall, with black hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. Have you seen them?"

Yamatar shook her head, looking at Feltress' feet.

"I... I have."

Feltress raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know where she is?"

Yamatar bit her lip. She released it once she looked up at Feltress.

"She... She left yesterday. I don't know where she went though."

Feltress scowled. She barged her way into Yamatar's hut. Yamatar screamed at Feltress, but she ignored them. She searched every nook of the main room, then Adelo's and finally she went for the door to Yamatar's room.

When she saw Aradithe sleeping she drew her bow and notched an arrow. Yamatar grabbed on to Feltress pleading, but Feltress shoved the much smaller Aradithe aside. Wadetre stayed there fast asleep.

Feltress kicked the bed, nearly knocking it over. Wadetre jolted out of slumber, and let out a scream when she saw the Aradithe with her arrow aimed at Wadetre.

"Wadetre, for the great crime of theft of a sacred Yang flower you are to be executed publicly. Now you shall come with me back to the village and be punished."

Wadetre was forced out of bed, and Feltress led her outside the hut. They reached the forests edge just as Adelo came and met his mother.

"What is happening?"

Adelo saw the tears in Yamatar's eyes, and noticed Feltress with weapon drawn to Wadetre.

"Who are you!?"

Adelo became filled with rage. His fists clenched and his face became flustered.

"Adelo," Yamatar pleaded. "She is a hunter of the village, she is taking Wadetre away for something bad she did. There is nothing we can do..."

Adelo cut her off.

"Give back Wadetre!"

Feltress stopped. She turned her head to face Adelo.

"This does not concern you freak. Stay to your isolation and leave Aradithe matters to Aradithe."

"I... Am... Aradithe!"

Adelo charged Feltress, powered by rage.

Feltress turned her complete body, letting an arrow fly with ease. The arrow found its target, lodging itself in Adelo's thigh. Adelo led out a scream. He fell to one knee and held his wounded leg.

Feltress notched another arrow.

"Stay down freak."

Through sheer willpower Adelo stood. He glared at Feltress who had her bow drawn towards him.

Feltress smiled. She took aim, looking for the killing blow. Whack. Feltress felt something hard hot her in the head. She crumbled to the ground, feeling the conciousness leave her body. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Wadetre holding a large rock.