Glance of his (10)


Ayesha Point of view


Looking back to all my entries, from every detailed scene to nothing, I came to realize that life is somehow undefinable. That life needs to be treasured every single moment.

It's been almost a year since I wrote every entry. I can't believe that I was that very emotional, the fact that I was very concrete with all the statement I confessed. I just smiled with my stupidity. I just smile how I wish back then to go back in time when I want to be innocent.

"Ayesha, what are you doing, you're not going to prepare for your baggage? Don't you have any plan to go home this vacation?" she exclaimed as she was busy packing her things. She even mentioned her worries but I didn't bother to hear.

"I'm done. A bag pack can do," I replied as I close my journal notebook and put it into my bag.  I stood up and place my bag in the left corner of my study table where it was easy to be seen. "Don't you have any plan today?" I asked to change the topic.

 "Yeah, I will go to the mall to buy some stuff. Want to come?" Ron invited but I declined.

"If you say so," she ended as she marched to the bathroom and prepared herself while I, washed my face, change my jersey shorts into jogging pants and combed my hair and I was good to go.

After some time, Ron and I both went out of our unit and took off separate ways. I went to the nearby bookstore to buy some books and dropped by at a coffee shop. I ordered my usual drink and sat to where I use to sit. While waiting, I took my phone from my pocket and start browsing on my social accounts. For a minute, my order came.

"Here's your coffee, thanks for waiting," Jane said, a staff. She looked at me meaningfully while smiling. I frowned at her reaction.

"Why?" Then, I realized that it was odd. "But I didn't order this mini cake."

"You're right madam because someone ordered this mini carrot cake," she muttered trying to say something but she's hesitating. Then, a guy approached my spot holding a cup of coffee, sat on the vacant sit in front of me and asked what's going on. I, then, told Vener what had happened.

"Jane, you may go back to your post. I'll be the one to explain about this cake," he politely said. Jane bowed his head. "Yes sir!"

"I told them to give this carrot cake for you," he confessed. I looked at him intently trying to figure out because there's no such occasion and to think about all possibilities why he wants to give me a cake when in fact, I'm not fond of eating sweets. I just can't contain too many sweets because I might lose my voice.

"That carrot cake was not that sweet compared to other cake," Did he knew that I can't take too many sweets? "That's free."

"No, I'll pay for this. I just can't take this for free," I insisted. He treats me to food many times and the last time, I said I'll make up for you but it doesn't happen. I owed him many treats.

"No, don't bother yourself to pay, it's on the house," I didn't get what he said. "No need to pay, Ayesha."

I was taken aback by what he just said. It's my first time to hear calling me by my first name since I met him, usually he addresses me formally and it sounds good to my ears.

"You mean, you own this coffee shop," I asked confirming my hints.

"No, my mother's business. She just let me manage it," He told.

"As in? But still," my eyes widened. After all, his family-owned this coffee shop, that's why I always saw Vener whenever I want to drink coffee. All I thought, he's just a coffee lover like me. All I thought, it was just a  coincidence. I looked down at my sudden thoughts. I took my cup and sipped.

"Are you going home this vacation?" he changed the subject.

"Yeah, I will go home tomorrow," I simply said as took a bite at the carrot cake. It soothes my taste buds. It was not that sweet. I can savour the juicy carrot and no eggs.

"How is it?" Vener asked enthusiastically.

"Heart emoticon," I answered as I gesture my hands forming a heart shape smilingly. He suddenly choked. He, then, wipe the coffee poured in his shirt using my handkerchief place on the table. Supposed to be, I would stay no because I have with me a tissue but I chose to let him use it.

"Are you okay?" I asked out of concern. He nodded. He let out a sighed when he realized what he did to my handkerchief.

"I'm sorry, I was unaware that I grab this out of impulse. Let me washed it then I will return right after," but I declined. I insisted that I'll be the one to wash it. "Next time, don't do that kind of gesture."

I frowned. I didn't get what he means. "Everyone looking at us while you're doing that gesture," he added. All I thought, the reason was deeper than that.

"Noted," I replied shyly.

After an hour of staying in the coffee shop, I decided to go home to finalize what are things am I going to bring home. I even fixed my things here in our unit since I'll be staying in my hometown for how many days. Not I'm was not aware of time, it's already time for dinner and Ron was not yet around. Ron's complete name was Rona Jean Reyes but I preferred to call her Ron or Rona.

Someone rang the doorbell and I immediately opened the door after seeing who is it. Came to my view was Vener and I don't have any idea why he's doing here.

"Oh, what brings you here? Come!" I asked him.

"No need, it's not good to see a guy barged in someone's unit especially a girl," he replied. "I came here to give you this." He gave me the paper bag and realization hit me that I left it in the coffee shop earlier.

"Thank you."

I smiled with the thoughts that there is still a man who has his stand.
