Glance of his (15)

Ayesha Point of View


After teasing me about the cake I brought home, as much I want to continue what I'm doing, I was disturbed by the fact that Ron went back near me and poke fun at me while eating the carrot cake. She looked like a kid who makes fun of me by not sharing her food. I let out a sigh and stood up fixing what I'm doing. I reached for my jacket lying on the bed and wore it.

"Where do you think you're going? It's past ten, hello?" Ron asked curiously. I didn't answer her instantly since I fixed first my hair, combing it.

"In the rooftop. I just want to breathe some fresh air. Want to come?" I offered. She glared at me but manage to look cute.


"I want to but__" her statement was cut off by a sudden sound of calendar notification on her phone. "Gosh!" she shrieked then looked at me with twinkling eyes. She quickly put the cake back in the fridge and went in front of me.


"Yeah wait a minute, I'll just grab a jacket in the closet," I watched her pulling jacket not bothering whether her clothes arrangement become disorganized.

I don't know what's up to her that made her energetic, given the fact that we reached fast the rooftop. We both sat on the wooden chair. I leaned closer to the chair's backrest and lift my feet and did Indian sit.

"This night, we will go to watch shooting star. I want to make a wish hoping it will come true," I frowned at her sudden statement and peek at her. "What's with that facial expression? You looked awful."

I wanted to say that we were both awful in the first place but I chose not to say it.

"Do you still believe that when you wish in the shooting or falling star, it will grant? Oh, those are just superstitious beliefs ages ago, during ancient times! And what time is it? Mind you, it's predawn which means between midnight and an hour before morning twilight. It should be clear and any city light that serves as disruptions," I stated not minding the word awful.


"Looks who's talking and who's not believing in wishing upon the shooting star, she's updated," she replied in a sarcastic tone.

"I came here to breathe some air not to wait for a falling or shooting star," I rebutted.


"But wishes come true just when you believe in them! Keep your request in mind after you've made it. Your wish will be more likely to come true if you put more good energy into it and put it into action," she added. Ron continues her argument but I chose not to mind it since I was focusing on seeing the Celestial bodies in the atmosphere. I looked at the sky and memories from the past and singing nursery rhymes that are out of tune which made me smile.

"And now you're smiling?" Ron said but I just rolled my eyes.



Dear myself,


When I was a kid, my father and I used to watch the sky full of stars. At a young age, I was fond of them, how they are created, how wonderful they are, why do they exist and why they twinkle and have natural light.

The nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, I used to sing it though, it was out of tune.

When I was a kid, I was so curious about things.

I have so many questions back then. I heard from my grandmother that wishing upon a star, will surely grant it so every time I looked at the sky, I was looking for a falling star. I remembered back then that I wish I could have a penguin as my pet. I cried so hard that the next day I woke up there's no penguin as my gift. The shooting star didn't grant it. I was down. Then, the next day, I saw a penguin (stuffed toy) lying beside me when I woke up.

But everything was crushed in an instant when I came to know the truth that it was just a belief. I cried so hard that day that wishing for something that didn't come true was so painful. I believe that it goes like that and I became, wishful thinker, knowing the fact that my wish doesn't come true.

I wished back then was 'I wished our story won't end.' but it turned out it ends without any signal. Our story ended.

I hope life is like a computer shop or an hourglass. Maybe the computer shop will tell you when it's almost time or you can see in the hourglass that is about to run out and your wish doesn't grant a wish. It didn't come because it was out of the coverage area. I hope life is like this.

The fact was, that was just a belief made. Shooting stars gape shortly to shoot across the sky, but they are not stars. A shooting star is a tiny piece of rock or dust that strikes Earth's atmosphere from space. It goes so promptly that it heats up and glows as it moves through the shooting stars are actually what science or astronomers call meteors.

Stars twinkle or appear in brightness and location, because of disturbances in the earth's atmosphere or surface. To illustrate, visualise little points of light on the bottom of a swimming pool. What occurs to those lights as ripples pass over them? Yes, they twinkle, just as stars do. Larger lights, on the other hand, would be less disturbed.

When starlight infiltrates our atmosphere it is entailed by winds in the atmosphere and by areas with different temperatures and densities. This results in the light from the star twinkling when seen from the ground.

Stars do not twinkle based on science and what the science books, articles even our professor explained. The nursery rhyme I used to sing was created to give enjoyment on the part of the child.



Ms A