Glance of his (27)

Ayesha Point of View

"You're not going to get this muffin," Ron said as she was placing the muffin on a lunch box.

"Oh, thanks for reminding. I forgot about it," and help her packing the muffins. This muffin was made by her Auntie Betty, Ron's mom. I remembered how we ended up going home with a lot of boxes of muffins.

Before deciding to go home, we dropped by in our birthplace since it was near where Vener's hometown. We went first to Ron's house and to our house to eat lunch. Both our families were happy to see us and they are glad to welcome Vener.

After Vener excuses himself going to the restroom, not losing the pissed off looks and teasing smiles because it was his first time introducing a guy in the family where Ron was the initiator. My face turned reddish pink because of embarrassment. I'm just glad that they stopped confronting me when Vener came back.

Because they notice that Vener a guy want to eat sweets, they got all the boxes of muffins baked by Auntie Betty in her cake shop and gave it all.

Ron laughed. "I just can't believe that mom gave all of this knowing that not only me who want to eat sweets, unlike someone I knew."

I glared at her but she rolled her eyes. I put the lunch box in my bag.

"You're not going with me at least?" she nodded. "I'll go first, then."

"Yeah. Take care," I waved my hand and opened the door.

I immediately went to the waiting station. I saw Vener sitting next to the old woman with his right hand was on his pocket while his left hand was holding his phone looking at it intently. I went near him and sat on the vacant on his right part.

I got his attention by greeting him. "Oh, good morning!"

I roamed my eyes around and wondering what he's doing when he has a car or they owns a car.

"The car? Oh, I returned it to the owner," he suddenly said even if I'm not asking. Well, I'm asking in my mind. "Your expression tells it."

I bobbed.

After a second, the bus came and all the passengers who were waiting get inside. It takes 15 minutes to arrive at the school since there is no heavy traffic.

Early in the morning, all staff in the school called for an emergency general meeting for the incoming event of the school. We're given tasks and others remained in their previous tasks as per requests. But when I suggest that I can handle my previous designation, Mr Del Gado rejected it and want me to be assigned for the approval of every student's or group of student's proposals.

"I told you. When he abruptly agreed with it, there is a certain unexpected task awaiting you," Marga whispered. I nudged her elbow because Mr Del Gado might notice us. "Why? It was true."

"Mr Costello, assist her."

"Yes, sir."

After a minute, we were dismissed and instructed to proceed with our respective classes.

"To those who need the approval of their proposals this coming event, you may give it to me or Sir Costello since we are in charge and handling it," I announced in the class and they started teasing me.

"Where do you hear that news or gossip when even me don't know about it?" I defended. Not just my family are so malicious but even my class.

"No need for a news ma'am, it's already obvious," Santy remarked. But I ignored it because they just want to buy time for me not to discuss a lesson.


"I will not going to discuss lessons or anything related to academics today and let you do your preparation for the upcoming Foundation day," they shrieked upon hearing it. I was once a student like them that's why I understand their lessons if a teacher will let you prepare than to discuss. "But I will give an activity serve as your assignment."

Their happy face turned to sad that want to complain. "Pass the activity after foundation day."

Just like my other class, I let them prepare and if they have proposals, they submitted them.

Even the next day and the following day, I became busy.

"Ms Sandoval, let's go to the cafeteria and eat," Marga invited and I'll go with them.

We are all four. After we order, we sat on the vacant chair and put our tray on the table. I sat beside Marga facing Vener. I saw all his reactions and I even caught him staring at me. Our line of sight even met, unexpectedly.

My attention drifted when we started talking about the upcoming foundation day while eating. Sir Jeffy even joked around and Marga added more. We all laughed and creating scenes because some students and school canteen staffs were eyes on us. Because of laughing, I even choked with my saliva. I suddenly stood up to get water on my own but Vener stopped me.

"I'll go," he said and went to the dispenser to get water giving it to me. I accepted and drank it.

"Thanks," he smiled and continued to eat so I did.

After lunch, the two excused leaving us Vener and me in the faculty room.

"How's the proposal of the students? I'm sorry I just finished taking care of a task that the principal asked me to do," he said apologetically.

"Oh, it's okay. I understand," I paused. "I accepted 10 proposals since they are proposals that met the criteria of the upcoming event theme but I need a second opinion before I will notify those who submitted."

I gave her the accepted papers and so with the rejected proposals. He took a looked at it seriously. This kind of side of him made it his asset. He don't know how attractive he was with a simple gesture. As I said, I admitted to myself that I fell for him unexpectedly but I want it to hide.

He lifted his head and I saw a contagious smile. "It doesn't need a second opinion."

He gave back the proposals to me. "Let's finalise the list so we can inform them."

That's what we did.

The next day the school became busy. Students are all busy preparing for their presentations both in sports and academics, finishing the set-up of the section's gimmicks and all.

But I didn't know that I dig my own grave.

All of a sudden, I regret that I'm in charge of approving the gimmicks proposal.