Inheriting A New Prophecy Book 1
Twenty-five year old Harry Potter grunted in pain as he took another curse to his side. Thedark haired mage was being dragged into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nineyears had elapsed since the Potter warlock was last on the grounds of his old home. Ever sincethat fateful night in his past Harry had intentionally stayed away from the institution of learning.
Harry had been on a Horcrux hunt with his old headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and when thepair had returned to the school it was to find Hogwarts under attack. The green eyed teenstayed under his invisibility cloak as Draco Malfoy made his empty threats to the Headmaster'slife and even as the elderly teacher was killed by Severus Snape. The only thing that keptHarry from chasing after Snape was the blood curdling scream that came from inside thecastle. Harry recognized the voice of that terrible wail as someone who the young mage neverthought could scream like he was hearing. Harry arrived inside Hogwart's entrance way tofind Professor McGonagall crouched over the dead forms of all Harry Potter's closest friends.
Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Ron, and even Neville had all fought valiantly but in the end lost to themuch more experienced Death Eaters. It wasn't long after that night until Harry realized thathe would have to end the latest wizarding war himself or he would never know a moment'srespite from the agony that had composed his life. Hermione had always been there to guidethe Potter male and carry him through...but no more. Harry began training himself ineverything he could, magical and otherwise.
The son of Lily and James Potter was quite shocked to find himself several million galleonsricher than he had previously thought the next time the green eyed teen had visited the Goblinrun bank, Gringotts. Apparently Dumbledore in his infinite wisdom and as Harry's magicalguardian had removed the bulk of the Potter heir's fortune to the Dumbledore accounts butwilled the hidden funds to be returned upon the elder professor's death. Albus Dumbledoredidn't want Harry using the gold to escape the Dursleys. Armed with five million galleons(twenty-five million pounds sterling) the new Lord Potter bought himself everything he wouldneed for serious training.
Meanwhile the war waged on in the wizarding world. In his search for the Power He KnowsNot, which the prophecy foretelling Harry's birth and life spoke of, the Teen-Who-Lived even learned the muggle sciences. Such a task wasn't exceedingly difficult with the use of somememory transference charms that wouldn't work between two magical minds. The charmshad no problem transferring between magical and muggle neurology due to the lack ofmagical interference inherent in the memories of a magical being. Something about the magicimprinted the memories to a specific magic user. No such thing existed in the muggle memories.
In just four extremely hard years the Potter Lord managed to cram over a decade of training inall important and applicable magical and muggle scientific disciplines thanks to a time turnerhe had discovered secreted away in Dumbledore's office. The powerful youth also found aPhilosopher's Stone with notes on how to use the immortality granting object and make morejust like it. The old man had kept the Stone just in case he had to use its life giving propertiesto keep fighting Riddle .Albus had known since Harry's first year that Riddle had somehowmade himself immortal but wasn't sure of the method until Harry's second year at Hogwarts.
Using the Stone to slow his aging (he didn't take a concentrated enough dose to completely halthis aging) kept others from noticing Harry's temporal transitioning training. Luckily the lastPotter managed to remove such valuable artifacts out of Hogwarts before Riddle took thecastle shortly after Dumbledore's passing. The messy haired warlock had also managed tolocate all of Riddle's Horcrux soul containers in the previous six years along with the fabledDeathly Hallows. Even with the Hallows Harry wasn't sure he could permanently kill TomRiddle.
Voldemort had also used the ancient magically saturated castle to increase his power aftertaking up residence within Hogwart's walls. But Harry had come up with a plan. Luckily forHarry's scheme Hogwarts wasn't located near any populated areas. Hogsmeade wasevacuated shortly after the castle fell from the light side's control.
As Harry James Potter was dragged in front of Riddle the young green eyed man let a smile sliponto his lips."Why are you smiling Potter? Is it because you are aboutabout to meet your wretched parents?"Riddle questioned with a sneer.
"No, it's because I'm about to send you to hell," Harry responded confidently.