
Black Smoke Thingy

17 November 2018

7:40 PM

-dark classical music intro-


are you ready to play?

start or exit

Welcome to the ultimate game that will make your heart race, "Survive"! Please enter the given information to verify your identity!


Date of Birth

Favorite Color

Worst Fear

Press continue if the given information is correct (note: wrong information will result in worse consequences)

Name: Damon Kimstone

Date of Birth: 3rd of March, 2002

Favorite Color: royal blue

Worst Fear: algophobia

continue or edit information

You have chosen to edit your information! Press continue once you are done!

Name: Damon Kimstone

Date of Birth: 3rd of March, 2002

Favorite Color: royal blue

Worst Fear: none

continue or edit information

You have chosen to continue!

The following game contains flashing lights and jumpscares. If you have any kind of heart complications or Epilepsy, you are suggested to leave this game immediately. The game management won't be responsible for any damage including death. Proceed with caution.

continue or leave

You have chosen to continue! The game will start in a few minutes! Brace yourself for an adventure!

LOADING: 5/100%

LOADING: 43/100%

LOADING: 66/100%

LOADING: 80/100%

LOADING: 95%/100

LOADING: 99/100%


-blank screen with a beeping sound-

Voice: Damon! Damon, you better wake up now I am so done with taking care of your dead ass!

-you open your eyes and see a girl-

Girl: Oh god! You finally opened your eyes!

You: Who are you?

Girl: Damn, the stone must have hit your head hard, eh? Stand up.

-the girl lends you her hand-

CHOOSE [your choice will affect the outcome of this game]

Take her hand and stand up


Refuse to take her hand and stand up by yourself

You have chosen to stand up by yourself!

Girl: Hah, your personality didn't stand, unfortunately. How are you feeling now?

You: I feel okay, my head is thumping a little.

Girl: Meh, you'll be fine. I am Bethany in case you still choose to play around. *rolls eyes*

You: Where are we?

Bethany: Use the functional eyes Jesus was kind enough to give you! We are in a forest, you idiot!

-you look around and see yourself surrounded by trees standing on dried leaves covered forest bed-

You: What are we exactly doing here?

Bethany: Oh hell naw! Don't tell me you actually lost your memory! Okay, calm down Bethany. Damon, what did we do in middle school for which we got arrested?

You: ...I don't remember.

Bethany: Holy mint chocolate, now I have to take care of your "memory-less" brain. Why did God write all these in my fate? I did not ask to have an adventurous life! Well, I might have asked for an adventurous life but, I wanted it to be fun! Not this!

You: Are you going to answer my question, lady?

Bethany: I have a name Damon, it's Bethany. You always used to call me Chicky, where's that now, huh? Anyways, what was your question again?

You: Why are we here?

Bethany: Oh yes, that... *bites lips nervously* We came in the forest to escape from the trouble we caused in the city. When we came here, we found a cave and decided to stay there until the police forget about us. The cave was pretty ancient so, we decided to explore it. At the end of the cave, you found a box made of silver with ancient writings all over it. You broke the box and found a bottle. You thought opening the bottle would be fun and then, guess what you did.

You: ...I opened it?

Bethany: Yes, smartypants! You opened it despite me warning you about it being dangerous! Some sort of black smoke escaped from it and chased you. I threw a stone to get rid of it but instead it hit your head. You fell unconscious and moved out of the way while I threw a second stone and got rid of the weird black smoke somehow. You were out for 3 days now.

You: Three days?!

Bethany: Mhm, 3 dreadful days.

You: Where's that black smoke thing now?

Bethany: It's still out there looking for us.