

'My liege, the Humans are at the gate. We have all forces attempting to block them but their new strength is too overwhelming.'

'Let them enter the castle.'

'But sir-

'I said, let them in.'

'Y-yes, sir.'

The Demon King's subordinate exited the room. Kagutsuchi sat on his throne, pondering. This world has nothing left for me. As soon as this thought came into his mind. He made his decision. After he wiped the memory of Magic and demon from the humans' minds, he would then end his life.

'Oh, great Demon King! Why have you let us mere slaves come in your presence?' The humans burst into the room.

'To destroy what little you know.' Kagutsuchi replied.

'Oh, whatever do you mean, great progenitor?'

The man that was speaking came to the front. He seemed to be the leader of the humans. The Human King.

Kagutsuchi raised both of his hands. A red Magic circle appeared on his right palm. Destruction Magic. A blue Magic circle appeard on his left palm. Divine Magic. He rested his left hand on his right, and moved both arms towards his heart. He twisted his body to face the Human King. He did everything with such care.

The Human King was beginning to feel dread.

'What are you doing?' He asked in a serious voice.

And then, Kagutsuchi rocked back slightyl and then jolted forward. A blast of Divine and Destruction Magic hit the Human King straight in the head. He fell to the ground. The Humans gasped in shock. They all rushed to check if he was okay.

'Sorry for taking so long to kill him. I was just tired.' Kagutsuchi truthfully said. 'I'll be faster when I remove your memories.'

'Remove..memeories?' A human asked.

'Yes.' Kagutsuchi clicked his fingers. All the humans fell to the floor. 'I'll put them in a coma for a bit. Then when they wake up, they'll remeber nothing about Magic.'

Kagutsuchi's subordinate, who had been watching the scene from the door of the room, spoke. 'If you don't mind me asking, why are you removing their memories?'

'I'm going to end this life. And I'll be reincarnated sometime in the future. I'm not going forever.' Kagutsuchi replied with a sad smile on his face. 'There is one thing I need to do first.'

'What is it, my king?'

'I have to destroy all the gods. Including Ren Geis.'

'Ren Geis? But he's...' The subordinate blurred the ends of his sentence.

'Yeah, I know. But I have to kill him, or else I won't be reincarnated. They'll stop me.'

The subordinate looked down at the ground.

'You'll die.'