
The reason Kagutsuchi had to kill Ren Geis was simple. He needed a vessel to harbor his origin so he could reincarnate. And the reason he was going to die was simple too. Taking over this world was easy, but there were the Humans to deal with. If he destroyed all Magic and memory of Magic, he would have no hurdles in the future to rule over the world again. He would be the only one with magic. But of course, nothing could be that easy. If one leaves their origin idle for an extended period of time, it would deplete in Magic Power. But the fact that Ren Geis is his vessel makes it the opposite. Instead of getting weaker, he will get part of Ren Geis's power. He will become even stronger. And now, there would be nothing left stopping him.

Kagutsuchi grasped his Ancient Relic tightly. The Sword Of Destruction. One of the only relics still intact from the Legendary Age. He beheaded himself, to not destroy his origin. But he did not know one important fact.


Where am I? Kagutsuchi wondered. He was in an advanced-looking house that wasn't built on sticks, but a silver material. He was on top of a table with four legs, and a comfortable cloud-looking object on top of it. He was on the cloud-looking object. He saw a small door on the ceiling and when he sat up, he saw another door in front of the comfortable table. He got off the table and walked over to the door. When he opened it, he was greeted with a gust of wind blowing his long black hair off his face. He saw other houses like the one he was in but they varied in color and size. He then heard a bell that originated from a hole in his pants. He put his hand inside this hole and grabbed hold of a rectilinear object. It had a circular button on its base and the main part was glowing. There was text on it that Kagutsuchi could not read. He looked around him. He saw humans all around. He needed to learn more about this new world, but he couldn't do it here. He went back inside the house. He created a magic circle on his hand and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened them again and looked at the object. He could now read what it said.



Answer Decline

Kagutsuchi could understand what it said. This was the first step. To learn about this world and speak the language. He pressed the 'Answer' button. A robotic voice began talking on the other side.

'We think that your bank account may have been hijacked. Please confirm the last three digits of your social security number.'

Social security number? What's that? Kagutsuchi thought. He created another magic circle and closed his eyes again.

'The last three digits are... 475.'

'Thank you for your cooperation.' The robotic voice said before a loud beeping noise came from the object. What was that all about? Kagutsuchi wondered. I need to get back to knowledge gaining. He created a magic circle and closed his eyes once more.


Kagutsuchi opened his eyes after 6 hours and opened the door. It was now dark. He knew everything about this world now. And he knew what had just happened. He got scammed. It didn't matter though, because there was one thing he had to do before taking his rightful throne. Kill the remaining Gods. He had forgotten that he had to kill all of the Gods and just Ren Geis. But how will he get back to the World Of Deities?