Sword Of Destruction(2)

Kagutsuchi used the spell of teleportation to places in a world, Relide.

Relide was different from Leride [Note: Yeah I know Leride and Relide sound practically the same, but I mean...] Relide could teleport him to places in the Material World but Leride was strictly used for teleporting to other worlds.

The scenery changed. Now Kagutsuchi was in what could only be described as a battlefield. Mothers were crying, children were dying. No one seemed to notice Kagutsuchi. Is this really what they have descended to? Kagutsuchi thought. Although the Humans weren't directly related to him, he was still their uncle. The Human King, Adam, was Ren Geis's second son. Kagutsuchi muttered under his breath, 'Inchide.' The spell of invisibilty. Now no one could see him. He used Relide and teleported to where his castle once was. This is where it should be, he thought. After 'killing' Ren Geis, Kagutsuchi had sent his Sword Of Destruction back to his castle. He looked around but his castle was nowhere to be seen. 'Could it be?' Kagutsuchi wondered aloud. A magic circle appeared on his right hand. His castle suddenly came into view right in front of him. 'I see.' The Humans must have used the spell of the Reforming Wall. Even Kagutsuchi didn't know how to use it due to it only being usable with pure Divine Magic. But he knew he could easily break it. He walked straight toward his castle. Then transparent pieces of broken Divine Magic flew through the air. Why the Reforming Wall was so strong was due to it blocking everything but physical contact. It could block thoughts, sight, even block your mind working, causing death. But Kagutsuchi had invented a wall of his own to counter this. Like the Reforming Wall, he didn't give it a Magic Name, but a Real Name. The 4th Wall.

[Author's Note:]

[I once again apologize for the lack of length this chapter has. I've just been having real-life things I had to deal with recently. I'll get back to my 500 words per chapter that I promised myself.]