World Of Deities(3)

Inside the gate was completely different from the outside in terms of appearance. For starters, the green hills were replaced by a seemingly infinite stretch of grey land. There were occasional patches of red and orange on the ground. 2 huge towers flanked the empty land. They were the only thing that brought life to this dull expanse of nothing. They were black and white. Kagutsuchi instantly knew what they represented. It was Ren Geis. They were remembering Ren Geis by creating towers coloured the same as his body was. This deepened the lingering fear in Kagutsuchi's origin. They wouldn't be able to forgive him. They cherished Ren Geis deeply. They treated him as their king. This was all due to one thing.

20,000 YEARS AGO

The Curses raced towards the Gods. This war has been going on too long, Ren Geis thought to himself, I wish I could stop it with my own hands. I want those Curses to pay, pay for the destruction they have caused, pay for the genocide they were committing. Pay for killing my family. This is it. I will stop this. At any cost. You don't have the strength to do it. A voice rang out in his head. It wasn't his, so who could It belong to? I could give you the ability to defeat multiple Curses with a wave of your hand, but with one condition. You do whatever I say. You take orders from me, and I will give you more and more strength. I won't order you all the time, only when I want to. Do you agree? Yes. He answered the strange voice. Even if they were empty promises, he was willing to do anything to fulfil his wish. Then let you become this world's saviour! The voice boomed. It was then that Ren Geis became the strongest deity of all time. With a snap of his fingers, the Curses, who were Gods that had fused other origins with their own, were obliterated. Up until his death, he still wondered who the voice was and what their true intention was.


Kagutsuchi walked a bit further, before coming to an abrupt halt. He glanced behind him and found the Human lingering there.

' What are you doing? You're wasting my time here. Hurry up.' He ordered in a cold voice. The human looked at him to a second and then ran to catch up with him. After the Human was fairly close, Kagutsuchi resumed his walk. It was somewhat relaxed. Any minute now... He thought. And then a mere few seconds later, a figure emerged from seemingly nowhere.

'Demon King! I can't believe that I'll be the one to take you out.' The figure spoke. He was almost completely golden, excluding his scarlet eyes and the sword on his back.

'And just who are you?' Kagutsuchi asked.

'You're addressing the most powerful God, you know. Speak with more respect.'

'Does an owner address a dog with respect?' Kagutsuchi shot back.

'You...' The God's face crumpled.

'So who are you?' Kagutsuchi repeated himself.

'I'm... The God Of Swordsmanship, Geren Idis!'

'Idis? So you're Menan Idis's son.' Kagutsuchi mumbled.

'That's right!'

Menan Idis, the God Of Swords. Swordsmanship? What kind of a dumb rip-off was that supposed to be? His aura tells me he's weaker than this human over here. Kagutsuchi thought and looked at the human.

'You fight him.' He ordered in a loud enough voice for the 'God Of Swordsmanship ' to hear.

'Huh? I want to fight you... Fine! I'll kill him and then you!' He declared.

The human stared at Kagutsuchi in disbelief. But an order was an order. If he didn't do it, he would get forced by those controlling eyes of Kagutsuchi's. He charged at the God.

They were still unaware of their impending doom.

[Note: I apologize if there are numerous grammar mistakes today, I wrote this on an iPad instead of a computer. Also, the mystery that I've been leaving at the end of the last 2 chapters will be answered in the next chapter. See you tomorrow with that chapter! I'm going to try to write notes every chapter now. Bye guys!]