Ominous feeling

So my lovely's how's all? 

I hope everyone are safe and healthy. Please follow the guidelines and be safe. Don't perform stunts and risk your lives. To those who worries much, please don't loose hope. This too shall pass.we'll be safe as long as we follow the guidelines. All i  wanna say is i love you all and make sure to be safe and keep your families safe. 

Please do vote if you like my chapters. Leave some encouraging comments and thanks for those good souls who already did. 


Closing his eyes , max waited for edd's lips to take his. Their close proximity was not helping but to increase the tension between them. His knees felt weak with every passing second. Edd's breathtaking Cologne knocking out all air from his lungs. He was not thinking straight, especially not when edd's hot breath is fanning all over his lips. Even after what seems like eternity, nothing happened. Impatient max fluttered opened his only to see a sly smirk in those lustrous lips.

Edd lifted max's chin to his level, his voice was just above a whisper, " You Expected for a kiss, aren't you.... Baby? " Max cheek catched a tint of deep red in Embracement . He wanted nothing but the ground under him to open wide and swallow him alive. He cursed his stupid hormones to betray him. He snapped his head to side, doesn't feel good in witnessing those smirk adorned lips. 

Edd's smirk widened, " Then why did you closed your eyes baby.. Hmm? ", edd made max to face him, " Acting smart, aren't we? ". Max was literally fuming with anger he didn't expect edd to be like this, " No. I'm. Not. " Max replied through his gritted teeth. 

A deep chuckled vibrated through edd's throat, " But your body says something else". That's all it takes max to push him away with all his strength and flounce out of the pantry ignoring yells of his names from edd. 

A gasp leaves jaspers lips as he jerks up in his seat. His diluted pupils returned to its original form. 'Am i dreaming, dreaming with eyes open?. What the hell was that and why did i day dreamed about those two!!!... Seriously?' Jasper wondered internally, thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. He took deep breaths to calm him. 

He then noticed max stretching his limbs.

" Geez, my head if full of codings " 

" do you want coffee? " he asked turning to jasper.

" Nah, I'll pass " Words left his lips before he could stop. 

The same scenes he visioned happening right before him. He parted his mouth in astonishment. 

Max made his way to pantry only to be trailed by edward a few seconds later. 

Realisation hit him, this was not new to jas. He used to get visions like this before, but that happened when he was a child. However nobody trusted or even try to listen to him. So he simply chose to ignored those visions and watch them come true. He thought it was some side effects of his trauma. But after so long, he didn't expect it, that too about these two.

But he feels this vision was little different , he can't pin point it but there's something wrong with the way Edward acts in pantry and it gives him a ominous feeling. 

His deep thoughts were Interrupted by a huff sound. With fuming face max takes his seat, jas didn't dare to ask anything. He already guessed what have happened in there. 

One of his female colleague took a seat across his , distracting him. " I guess, in a week from now, the selection will be announced, you know my friend's boyfriend is working in one of the Louis branches, i heard that their company treats every second gender equally. They strictly restrict partiality. "

" oh " That was all he could reply. He was actually not in a mood to hear gossips. so as a people pleaser he is, tried as hard to end it soon as possible, without offending her.

" And " she wiggles her eyebrow and leaned closer " the new CEO, Tl mentioned other time, I did some research, it looks like he's Hellishly handsome and a charming alpha but that's not important ,the thing is i heard he's still single, I think the selected members for the project will get a chance to look at him at least once from far" she sighed at the end, she's sure the selection committee won't select her ,more like her profile will be thrown away due to her low ranking in meetings. 

     Jasper's interest was piqued by the words ' CEO handsome and single ' like, if he has a cat ears it'll be in straight attentive position right now. 

Even if he can't predict future, he have to take his every opportunity to settle his life, right?. 

He dismissed her, saying he had some important issues and turned to face the silently fuming max. 

" if anything happened, max. you know, you can share with me, don't burden yourself and don't act tough" he thought at least he could say this. 

" oh, okay " he didn't know why jasper said this, but he agreed without pushing further.



" How's the selection ?" 

" Sir, we'll finish the filter by this week and start the project from next week, each team will have four to five members " Catherine hausberg replied monotonously.

Alex nods his head and added sternly " Include Evan and Everett, according to their position in project, you know how important this project is right, there will be no place for mistakes and I need the details about all the employees from that company who's selected as soon as the selection is over " 

" Yes sir, I'll make sure everything is perfect ". Catherine humbly bowing and turned her heels ready to leave when Alex reminded her " Make sure to clear the ground floor, that is where they work and finish the contract, so do it as soon as possible, Miss Hausberg. 

          she snaps her head and nodded to him before proceeding her way to secretaries cabin.

 Alex loosened his tie and placed his head at headrest of the chair. He was literally worned off these past few days and the drinks he had yesterday didn't help him at all . But he can't rest now, he have many things to manage and making the old geezers to resign on their own is the biggest headache he got. He sigh's and closed his eyes, desperate to rest and calm his nerves. He needed a distraction. 

He dugged his pocket for his phone. He unlocks it and dialed a number which is familiar to him. 

 " hello, sweetness! " the other line answered.

A smile played on his lips as he replied, " Can we meet tonight, darling? ".