Creeping Fear

At unknown time, the door of Jas's room was opened slowly and a man sneaked in. He locked it without making a single noise like it was not so new to him. The man stood at edge of the bed where jas was sleeping. The man analysed every features of the latter's face, his slightly parted lips, his flushed button nose, the shadow of his eyelashes that overlayed on his soft cheeks, those bangs which was sticking to his sweat coated forehead. A smirk hugged the man's lips looking down at Jas's innocent face. His eyes darkened with unknown emotion.

He leisurely released his hands which was buried in his pockets and brush the latter's sticky bangs away from his forehead with almost caring smile. He dipped his head to plant a soft peck on his forehead which caused jasper to stir in his sleep. A soft deep chuckle vibrated from the man's throat causing jasper to sluggishly open his swollen eyes.

witnessing a silhouette of a man towering him, his eyes widened in utter shock, he jerked up from his bed to drag his back to get support from the headboard. The man leaned back from jas, still with a stupid smirk coated face. Jas thought it was again one of his nightmare, but he started to shake like a leaf sensing this is real.

The man was now staring him like a predator ready to jump on its prey. Tears started to pool his eyes blurring his vision.

" B...Brother " jas whispered in a pleading tone.

The muscle in the man's face hardens as he tightens his jaws, hearing that word " don't call me that " his alpha tone resonate in the room and his aggressive pheromones started to emit.

The emanating pheromones made jas to choked in his sob, he clutched the sheets  and tremble even more in fear.

" Just because my mother treats you like her son, doesn't mean you're my brother . "

jas's lips trembled hearing his deep voice. But something triggered him to speak against him, maybe he's lil matured to stand for himself this time. " How about we test her care for you, shall we tell about the things you did years back?" words slipped his lips without thinking twice.

An amused smile tinted the man's lips. He tardily tilted his head to side, " Are you sure? not my mother, even your father won't spare a glance at you after revealing this. They will definitely feel disappointed and angry. Then you can't even think of stepping into this house forever. Everyone will agree that Omega's are nothing but sluts and they will regret raising up someone like you "

Jasper's heart nearly stopped hearing the familiar sentence. processing each word in his head, he thought about his family. he doesn't need such things to happen, even though he didn't get much love and warmth he longed since his mother's death, from this house, he still considered them as a family, his family. He didn't want them to dislike and abandon him. just thinking about  his father's and step mom's reaction made his heart pound against his ribs. slow sobs widened which was muffled by his own hands.

He shivered " p..pplease, don't..don tell them..pplea....ahh.." his jaw was forcefully grabbed by Diego.

" Then don't call me that, understood? "

" y-yes " jas nods his head aggressively. he can sense the salty liquid flowing Gaplessly from his eyes, which would have definitely left his eyes reddish by now.

Diego released his grip and gradually the pheromones stoped emmiting. He caressed Jas's wet cheek with a smile. He flinched at the contact of his hot fingers over his cold skin.

suddenly deigo felt someone's footstep somewhere, nearing the stairs with his keen alpha sense. He clicked his tongue in clear annoyance on whoever approaching the stairs. He ran his fingers over his raven hair, thinking of next. He swiftly moved out of the room before closing the door to prevent his pheromone to catch by others. He moved casually to the dining table, pretending to drink water. 

With half filled glass in his hands he turned to witness stacy climbing down the stairs, throwing a suspicious look over him.

she halted her steps before jas's door, " what are you doing here, deigo? " her brows knitted as she scrunched her nose sensing a unusual odour. 

Deigo loudly gulped the water he's been sipping seeing her pause. since he is well aware of the fact that she's a beta ,that she cannot identify his pheromones, he let out a relieved sigh. He replied her distracting from sniffing more. Raising his glass a bit higher in air " just water, why you're here? " he raised an brow while sipping his glass.

she rolled her eyes in annoyance, " to play " she replied in a duh tone.

He chuckled placing his glass down the counter, " have fun stacy, don't stay over night okay? ". With that he turned his heels and made his way to his room over the stairs.

Hearing his sister's voice on the other side of the door, Jas struggled to muffle his sobs as much as he could to stop her from hearing him. He didn't want anyone to know how weak he is. He thought he've grown bold after leaving this house to live on his own. He thought he could stand for him and prevent diego from approaching him. But all his walls were crushed into powders after this incident. He lost his only hope.

He have no idea how to set himself free from deigo's clutch. He have no other way than to blindly believe some miracle to happen. someone to come and rescue him from this living nightmare, who won't blindly believe he's a slut, who won't think him weak, who won't hesitate to stand by his side no matter what.

He just wanted to be loved. Truely loved for who he is. He just wanted to be valued. He wanted someone to see him, admire him as he's the most precious thing in this world. To care him as he's their own skin and blood. He hugged his knees and buried his face in his palms and sobbed harder.


" hey sweetie ", Edward who was patiently waited for max in front of his apartment, waved at him when noticed him.

" All packed? " 

" I didn't pack that much " max swivel his bag in front Edd's face with excitement . It's his first time visiting Edd's apartment and staying weekend over. At that thought itself made him to fly on cloud nine.

In the morning warm sunlight ,he looks so cute with his adorable child-like face that tempts Edward to squeeze his cheek hard. Max whined a bit and pouted his lips but didn't complain, he just giggled in response. That made Edd even more riled up. ' why's he this cute ' he internally groaned.

The car ride was silent and max was getting awkward because Edd didn't spare a glance at him. He was worried not seeing edd for rest of the days. he adjusts his throat to gain edd's attention, " can we see each other during your project time? " he asked while staring down at  his fidgeting finger placed on his lap.

" oh, I don't know. If I'm busy I think we can't " edd replied facing the road.

" oh "Edd was always talkative, seeing him in silence was something new for him.

" how about weekends?" max's excitement was unhide-able, desperate to try every possibility to meet him.

A small smile formed on edd's lips," why, will you miss me that much? " Edd glance at him for a second before trailing his eye back to the road.

silence lingered between them.

Max slouched against the seat, resting his head back and letting out a sigh.

Edd chuckled softly and took a hold of max's hand and laced his fingers with his. Edd brought the front of his hands to place a lingering kiss. He smiled sweetly at max before focusing back to the road. Placing their  intertwined hands in his lap, he rubbed soothingly over max's knuckles.

" want to stay with me? "at the question, max's hand tightened his grip on him.

" I-Is it okay for you?" he can't even think of rejecting his offer before answering, what's the need to reject. He's more than willing to be with him, his eager voice stammered little.

" I think it will be alright, but you have to pay me rent " Edd responded with a serious tone.

" you-what? ", yeah I'm going to share his apartment for the time being, of course I have to share his rent, I can't live for free right. He adjusts his throat before speaking further,

" sure, I'll pay for it " 

" I'll tell you later about rent " a evil smile appeared in Edd's face, but that went unnoticed by max's confused self.

They pulled the car over and went to the apartment. Edd unlocked the door with his key.

Max waited for Edd to enter the house first and then he passed by the door but he was abruptly pinned to the now closed door by edd, again with his stupid smirk plastered face.

max's eyes widened twice, sensing their close proximity. Edd slowly leaned in and placed soft pecks over max's cheek, which caused max heart to drum against his ribs, picking up a rhythm . Edd's pheromones slowly invaded his each and every nerve, causing blood to rush feverishly thought his body at the same time his gland in his neck felt hot, he unconsciously released his scent to seduce his alpha.

" remember the rent? ", edd's husky voice over his ear, caused a faint blush to creep over his neck which slowly made its way to his cheeks.

Analysing max's wide eyes, flushed cheeks and those tempting parted lips, pushed edward to loose his sanity and kiss him with hunger. Edd's hand made its way to cup the side on his neck to deepen their kiss. max's hands cupped his jawline, feeling every movement of edd's muscles underneath his palms while kissing him back.

Edd slightly bit Max's upper lip, nibbling it. Max used this chance to devour edd's lower lips, he felt the corner of edd's mouth curving up against his. Edd slowly parted their lips and snaked his tongue into his. Both of their chest heeved from heavy breathing, as the kiss turned heated.

after exploring every nook and corner of max's mouth. Edd said in a low horse voice.

" tongue "

" mm? " max who already feels like he's in dream got confused by his word.

" give me your tongue "

His Already drumming beat now feels like it will came out of the rib cage, but edd words made him want to obey, he sticks out his tongue.

edd started to suck his tongue hard, suppressing max to explore more, max groaned against his lips which scent shiver down his spine.

They both parted, desperate to catch the breath. Both of them stood in the door way panting heavily in each other shoulder, in each other arms, losing the track of time for who knows how long they stood there.

" shall we move? " edd spoke in a horse voice.

max nods his head feebly still processing what the hell happened seconds ago.

Edd chuckles under his breath seeing Max's lost reaction. He leaned in and gave a sweet lingering peck on his crown which earned a soft smile from Max's swollen lips. Edd placed his palm on his back and led him to the living room.

" want coffee, sweetie ? " he asked turning his back to max, as he made his way to the kitchen.

Without replying max trailed edd to the kitchen and hugged him from behind, unable to be away from him. The mellow wine pheromones of his alpha still lingering in the air, urged him to stick close to him. max nuzzled in the crook of his neck, devouring his scent in tip toe . Edd smiled softly seeing Max's behaviour. He slowly turned in Max's arms to face him. " I don't think i can control, if you stick to me this close, sweetie ".

" i can't help " max shrugged with a cute expression in his face. Edd smiled shaking his head, handing him a mug.

max took a sip from his mug as he took a seat in the couch in living area.  " i was serious earlier, how much should i pay for rent, edd? ".

" how about 10 kisses a day, hmm? " edd peeked thorough his mug, sipping his coffee.

max slightly punched his arm " I told, I'm serious edd! " 

" what makes you think I'm not serious, sweetie ?, I'm serious either, it's enough for this poor soul to survive, no need for money " edd replied , honest evident in his tone.

max paused his actions for a second, looking at edd with pure adoration and warm smile painted in his face. He reached his shoulder and leaned his head on him. Edd envelope the latter in his arms tightly and smiled down at him. max closed his eyes and took a deep breath, a mixture of emotions washed him. He felt safe in his arms. Edd's scent gave him a sense of relaxed feeling, he felt heavenly and felt like he's finally home.