Gabriella planned to focus from now on...She thought that life would go easy on her for a while until...
"Kill the devil! Make her pay for her crimes!!!" a wild group of people suddenly appeared in front of Gabriella out of nowhere. "What is this?" she thought to herself. She wanted to move but her head was locked up into a mysterious object. She tilted her head up and saw a huge sharp blade. She suddenly realized what it was and tried to get out of it. But her hands were tied together and her actions made no effort. She realized that she was on a guillotine and was about to be executed. She wanted to shout but her mouth was also tied up. She heard footsteps and made her conscious of who it was. A man with golden hair and peach-colored eyes clothed in royal garments, filled with gold medals. He stopped walking and stood in front of her. "Lililthiverse Ruvena Ravilios or should I say the devil's villainess," the man said in a loud voice. Her eyes expanded and knew that name somewhere. "Wait..." she thought. "Isn't that the name of the antagonist?". The man continued. " You will be executed for the attempted murder of the saintess of divinity and therefore forgotten from history including your family name..." he proclaimed in front of her. "Off with her head," he said in an alarming expression. A large man took an ax and was about to cut the rope that held the blade. "Hmmmmm!!!!!! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!" she shouted even if her mouth was tied. The man chopped the rope and the blade fell on her, fast. She closed her eyes and trembled in deep fear and then.....
A loud noise emerged and woke Gabriella up. "Bzzzzz...bzzzz....bzzzzz...." her phone vibrated on her bag and was annoying her. "A nightmare..." she thought. She stood feeble and pulled her phone out of the bag but then she stopped and was suspicious of who it was but out of curiosity, she answered. "Hello? who is this?" she said. "Who would call in the middle of the night?" she thought. "G-Gabriella? is that you? Am I talking to Gabriella Smith right now?" an unknown woman replied with a weeping tone. Her eyes widened despite her tired expression. Gabriella suddenly forgot about the horrible dream she had. "M-mom?" she said, unbelievably. she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now but it was crystal clear to her that it was her mother and sat back at the coach. A crying voice engulfed the silence they had on the phone. A tear fell off her right eye and wanted to cry as hard as her mom did, but she wanted to talk, she wanted to find where she was. "Are you ok? Are you safe now!? Have you been eating well?" her mother said with a worried tone. "Where are you, mom!? Is he still there!? Are you still being abused by that bastard!?!?" Gabriella said with a furious tone.
She knew she was old to report him and that she was finally getting a degree in fashion which made her superior to him. "Gabby, it's alright, I'm safe and your father isn't here to hurt me anymore" she proclaimed with a happy tone. Her heart enlightened and made it light for her to carry. "Really? You're not lying, aren't you?" she said in a serious and worried voice. "I got help from the neighbors and reported him to the cops a-and now...the only thing I have to do is fix our broken family...: her mother said in tears of joy. Her eyes were filled with hope and wanted to meet her right away. She then stopped and then asked her mom. "Are you planning to see someone you're.. interested in?". Her mom went quiet for a second and sighed. "Why would I need a husband right now? All I need is you right now, I'm sorry for not calling you sooner, I wanted to buy a house for us to live in and if you want company...umm...we could buy a dog and name him or her Willow like you always wanted as a kid! What do you say?" her mom said in a happy and relaxed tone. The tears in her eyes finally came out and a loud sob gave out.
"Oh dear, don't cry, everything will be alright as long as we have each other, so don't waste your tears okay? We have a lot to do in the future others than crying in the past". her mother said. She was right and Gabriella was happy to hear that. " You should get to bed and tomorrow, I want you to tell me these brilliant fashion ideas you have and we can talk about it all day, ok sweetie?" she told her in a comforting way. "Okay mom, umm... good night!" she replied. "Good night Gabby! Sweet dreams!" her mother ended the call and Gabriella smiled so bright with her eyes drowning in tears. She couldn't be happier. "Everything will be fine," she said silently and stood up, proudly. She didn't feel sleepy at all and was excited for tomorrow. Everything could've stopped right there until she heard her book fall off her couch. She looked at the book and grabbed it. She felt happy and decided to spend her entire night, reading it. Finally, she is one step closer to her dreams, her boyfriend might have broken up with her but it might have been fate because of a jerk he is, her mother is safe and the bastard father she had was forever gone and that things would go smoothly from now on. As she opened the book, she saw something strange. "Huh?" she said as all the pages were blank. "Did I grab the wrong book?" she bought and saw the cover. It was still the same novel. She tried finding the words and became wary and eventually found a word but it was in the middle of a page. She squeezed her eyes and said the words out loud. "Lilithiverse Ruvena Ravilios?" she was confused why the villainess' name was imprinted there.
She was calm and happy to hear her name. She wasn't angry with her instead she understood Lilith, hiding all feelings just to make her family name proud, and would go to any risks on achieving her dream, trying to forget her past. But the fact that these were the only words in the novel, made her uncertain of what it is. "Why the-" before she could finish her sentence, a green fire busted in the book and surprised her. She threw the book to keep it out but the fire spread throughout her apartment. "Ahhhh!!!" she screamed and grabbed her blanket to put out the spreading fire but it was no use. She saw her broom and grabbed it. She started pounding in the walls with the broom since she can't reach the door. "Somebody!Anybody!!! Help!!!!" she screamed from the top of her lungs yet no one answered. After a minute of shouting, the air was suddenly getting right and the smoke was hurting her lungs. She coughed and eventually fell down the floor where the green fire wasn't. The fire was suffocating her and her eyes were starting to close. "No, It can't be!!!" she thought. "I'm about to meet my mom just can't disappear! I don't want to die yet! Not here! I've worked so hard to reach the first step into becoming a world-renounced fashion designer!!!" she tried to reach for the door but her sight was getting blurry. "Almighty God, my Creator, and Savior, please save me from this danger and return me to where I once belong..." she gave up and lost consciousness.
I thought that my life would come to an end and that my dream would fade away... forever... but to think that there are truths that I didn't know and it was about to change my whole life forever... But I would never dream that I could open my eyes again...