And did they say I can't live in human society..

Nurses are pulling my bed to the operation theatre. Three years ago when I gave up mind to live. Doctor said that time if treatment early my illness can cure. But I was so stubborn, I want to gave up my life.....

"BECAUSE, I was not able to satisfy my parents."

If I knew it early that this day would come , when my parents can come and care about me....then I would have treat my illness early.

I gathered my all strength and said at last second that "I want to live".

Then I fall into abyss. It's feel like waves are flowing on my body, sometimes it's feels like flying in the sky... It's like I'm touching the cloud.

AM I DEAD? If it is dead it's not bad after all.

Suddenly, I woke up in a space, with flash lights. It was hurting my eyes. So I close my eyes..... But I'm clearly listening conversation between men... looks like they are quarrelling. Conversations like

Dr. Lean you know patient has serious condition, why can't let in the other members in the cabin. (shouting)

Dr. Mii please claim down. You know she is the person the exotic always wanted. (whisper)

Dr. Lean, are you know what are talking about!?Are you still a doctor!!!! You want to give her into a beast's cage...( seriously whisper)

Dr.Mii you've become senior doctor in a young age but you've no right to talk to your seniors like this.(shouting)

Dr.Lean her identity is also special. Her father is chairman of HX Emperor. She is Aurora chen. Daughter of Lucas chen. Do you he would let us go if anything happens with daughter!!? Chen family is one of the biggest family of the country..... ( serious)

Dr. Mii, Mr. Chen has a illegitimate son, so he don't need a daughter either. If we let her go many people could live a good life without worries. ( whisper)

Dr. Lean can't we protect her either!? She's only 19. ( deep breath)

Dr Mii, She has born for this. We can't change the fact it either!!! At least she can't live in a society... for human's shake. Only human's society doctors know it and trust it. ( deep breath)

What did they said I really don't understand, but looks like something serious about me~~

Is it something that serious!? more than someone's life..... And did they say I can't live in human society.....hell I don't understand!!!?