It is said that the labyrinth's nature caters to the participants/ per individual that is brought there. In Act 1- chapter 1 of the story, the man, (insert name), punched the wall and said that it was made of cement and wood with a bit of a slimy substance. Since the labyrinth walls change depending on the confinements of how that person lived, it was purposely made for him.

The labyrinth's sky also changes to match the scenery that was necessarily required for that exact time and place.

In chapter IX of Act 1, the man said that the rabbit maid looked exactly like her sister. This is not some kind of small resemblance but a very coincidental occurrence. That is the reason why he felt comfortable being with her so he didn't bother asking or bringing up that topic along their journey.

The labyrinth sits outside the realm of space and time.

The labyrinth is somewhat of a purgatory in a sense. Although it judges the participants, it still prioritizes taking into account human intervention when doing so.

The labyrinth itself is not alive nor is it dead. It is a being of a higher plane that can conjure changes in itself and yet it doesn't follow any comprehensive reasoning behind its actions.

The rabbit maid is a puppet made from the same origins as a human. Although the specific details are yet to be known, it is to no surprise if they are to do the biddings of their creator.

The repetition of the phrase, "Just/like a child", is a conjuncture to his suppressed feelings in his memories. Such a resemblance to a childhood that he never did come back to the moment he grew up as an adult.

He is 8 years older than his sister.

For those wondering in chapter IX whether he remembered his memories for that last week that he forgot before he died, he didn't. Instead of remembering it, he re-lived it one last time. It was the only moment that filled his life with more joy than any other. However, it was quickly followed by his death.

Von Raison roughly translates to, "Reason for Hope." Ken Raison= Reason for wisdom, Vida Raison= Reason for life, Carole Raison= Reason for Happiness.

Another notable role that is given to a rabbit-eared maid is to help with the tower's operations from scrapping their own kind to monitoring the facilities.

This is the final chapter for ACT 1. ACT 2 should be released this second half of 2021. Either before or after the mid half of 2021. The latter is better to be expected than to anticipate early. An ACT 3-ACT 4 is not really planned for this series but if it gains popularity then it shall be highly considered by the author.