chapter 3 ( the day that she finally meet her prince charming from her dreams ) selina met with her true love back again

Selina was playing her echanted magical harp, left by her mom to her , seated on the same rock ,that she was always before while waiting for her prince charming of her dreams to show up , in that lovely afternoon while the sun was coming down , she was was looking at the sea while seating in the rock playing her harp , her friends come around her to make her happy and keep her company , after they went down to the sea and they went to the palace , the mermaid girls friends and left her by herself there .

After that she ear a sound coming from a far so she decide to hide herself into the water and see what was going on more closer , she ear someone singing beautifully, was the most beautiful voice she ever ear and also the most handsome and amazing prince she ever see in her life , she was so surprised the litle one mermaid with her own beautiful prince charming and with his voice that she couldn't take the eyes from him for a while she would follow him to see him from more closer , she was doing this everyday at the same time as she now started see him often .

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