The Muladhara

Banshee decided to start her journey to a high level of consciousness. She opened the next page Muladhara or the first chakra.

It was written: Muladhara expresses the connection between your body and the earth. Any kind of fear for survival may block your first chakra. To activate your first chakra you must discard all your inner fears related to any content of life. When your chakra is activated, you will be awarded a symbol. It is up to you how you deal with it, but you can't escape. Let the energy flow through your first chakra.

Banshee closed the notebook and came back home to find a way to deal with her fears.

The other day Banshee woke up early in the morning to go to school. She took a shower, but while coming out of the bathroom she noticed a smell of something burning. She hurried to get out of the bathroom, the whole house was flaming. She was afraid and froze. She was alone and couldn't think what to do. There was a way to get out of the home, but she was afraid of losing her family's Mementos. While looking at the flaming house she was surrounded with fears of death and losing her only house and mementos of her family. At such a moment she was only minutes away from death.

But does fear help anything? People think fear boosts physical power in every human. But have you ever thought it also weakens the human body gradually? What is more important for survival, physical or mental power? When your body starts acting there is less time for the mind to decide, but when you let the fears decide everything it is less logical.

Banshee was hesitant, but she thought it is a chance where she could choose to throw out her fears or stay with. This way she threw her fears away and let her mind decide. She relaxed and felt the positive energy inside.

She woke up and saw there was no flame and it was all a dream.

Sometimes it is hard to control your fear in a short time, but your whole life depends on those seconds.

Banshee thought it was all about a test of fear and she is already done with this step.

"But what about the symbol? How could I find it?" She thought to herself.

Banshee got prepared to go out for a walk. When she opened the door, everything seemed to have changed. She ran towards the house frightened. She felt her feet getting wet. When she had a look on her feet, she was drowning in blood. She shouted and tried to escape but she couldn't. When drowning inside the blood and paddling to rescue, she heard a voice calling her.

"You should distinguish between illusions and reality, let your fears go. Your visions are not always true. Overcome with your fears."

Banshee closed her eyes and relaxed. She felt deeply about everything around and noticed that there wasn't anything real. Gradually, as much as she relaxed everything returned to normal. When she opened her eyes it was all gone and she understood it was all nothing but an illusion. She got a rest and went to school.

When she went to school, her one and only friend Ethan was absent. She went to Ethan's house to ask about his situation. Banshee knocked on the door, but there wasn't anyone to open. A neighbor was passing by.

"Excuse me! Do you know where the family who lived here are? "Said Banshee.

"They are in the hospital, I heard their son Ethan committed suicide, it was horrible they are still in the hospital I think," said the neighbor.

"Ok thank you," said Banshee, downhearted.

Ethan was her only friend at school because they were both the same. Ethan and Banshee were so intelligent and hardworking besides that, they both had the same views of the world. Their thoughts and dreams were the same. Banshee was downhearted about Ethan, he was the only one she could talk to. She went to the hospital where Ethan was hospitalized. The doctors said he is in a coma and it depends on him how to deal with it. There is no guarantee whether he would open his eyes.

Banshee couldn't bear with such a situation, she had a deep fear of losing her one and only friend. She was deeply upset and frightened. It wasn't the first time she was facing such a situation, but he was the last person left to her. Maybe not the last one. We all feel the existence of someone when they are going to leave us.

She was sitting alone outside the hospital building. Thinking of the first days they meet each other. When she met Ethan she was only 12 years. She had no friends at school, because of her strange thoughts and extraordinary intelligence, she thought no one deserves her friendship. When Ethan came to her school, he was interested to hear her ideas and he loved to share thoughts with her. In any scientific competitions at school, they used to attend together and their projects were always the winner. Their classmates were jealous of them and they used to tease Ethan over his style and glasses, but Banshee wasn't so funny for them because Banshee's mother took care of her appearance and behaviors and didn't let her behave so strange.

Banshee had good times with Ethan, and fear of losing him smoldered her insides.

"Why always me? I don't have anyone except him, why am I sentenced to pain and loneliness?" Said Banshee with tears and a broken heart.

She heard a voice saying "are you afraid of losing him?"

Banshee started searching for who it was, but she was alone. It seemed to be her voice asking herself again and again.

"Do you fear losing him to Banshee?"

She was afraid, she was even afraid of thinking about his death.

"You should deal with your fears. You can't stop what is happening and your fear doesn't help anything. Let your fears flow down and accept whatever is out of your control, fear is just negative energy around you that attracts whatever you are afraid of" The sound surrounded her and repeated after another.

She took a deep breath and felt a positive energy inside. "Nothing is real until it happens, and doesn't matter until it is real, it is not real it is just a fear," She thought to herself.

Don't be afraid of whatever has not yet happened. Just take care of today and don't worry about tomorrow. We can't imagine what is going to happen in the next few minutes. Who knows it could be a blessing. If it isn't in your hands at least don't bring up negative charges with fearful thoughts.

Banshee threw her fears away and came to see Ethan with a fresh new positive mind. The doctor gave her some good news. Ethan Has come out of a coma and it was great news for Banshee. Now she passed the worst part of the test and her first chakra was activated. When she returned to the jungle and took the notebook she found a red symbol while opening the notebook and when she touched the symbol it was an energy that entered her body.

All the inks disappeared and she turned to the next page.