Chapter Sixteen: Comrade Baron

We went back to our sleep early that day. The next morning soon arrived and my sleep got broken by a phone call. I couldn't see the name of the caller properly due to my drowsy eyes. I picked up the phone.

'Come on, Mr. Nora, I know your health is not quite good but we urgently need you. Our company is getting ruined without the great cartoonist and animator like you. Kindly inform me how many more days you need to recover yourself. How is your health by the way?'

'Is it Boss? Well Boss, a week or two more.'

'Okay Mr. Nora, get well soon and bring our industries back to business. Good bye.'

I was about to lye back on my bed again, but I couldn't because one more call came in. I saw who it was. It was The General. I received the call.

'Good Morning General!'

'Good Morning Mr. Nora. I've something important to say you.'


'You see Mr. Nora, Comrade Nicolas refused to help, because a huge storm has arose in Central Finland and they will be unable to reach the border. The weather forecast says that the storm may last a few weeks. Thus it will be now the duty of Soviet Comrade Baron to take upon the mission. I want you and Mr. Delbis to come today afternoon. We will send the jeep if you want.'

'Okay Mr. Richardson. We would surely come, and the jeep is not needed. I have my bike.'

'Okay, sharp one.'

'Okay General.' said I and hung up.

We went there on time and entered the police station. We saw a strange gorilla sort of guy seated in front of The General's table.

'Hey, come on. Meet Russian Comrade Baron. He will be the leader of the operation of finding Mr. Macadam.'

'Okay, okay' said Ionen. The Comrade turned around and looked boldly at us.

'Is that The Detective who told you about Macadam, General?'

'Yes Comrade, you guessed it correct. Very talented man he is.'

'Okay. We would surely check the border once. Mr. Detective, we want you and your companion to come with us to the border. Our work will get a bit easier then.'

'Comrade, I would be honored to come with you.'

'Okay, tomorrow both of you gentlemen report in the airport at around eight in the morning. Can you go there by yourselves, or shall the police bring you?'

'No sir. My friend has a bike.'

'Okay great.'

'So Comrade, can we leave for now?'

'Yeah sure.'

'Oh, and one more thing, Comrade. Please try to take at least seventy troops. There are about fifty of them out there. If the fifty of them see that they outnumber the number of troops, they won't get arrested do easily and a battle has to take place. All the troop's lives will be at risk if you don't do so.'

'Okay, I'll think about it. You may leave for now, gentlemen.'

We went back home. Both of us didn't sleep that night, both of us were very excited because we were finally going to get hold of Cruisons. My parents too were very happy after listening to this news. Ionen was just a few steps back from completing his first case successfully