Not going to lie,I do get bored when mom isn't at home and I wish I could go out,go to school, play with friends like the other kids too but all I have is that kid next door who keeps me company.

I walked away from the window and scribbled on a piece of paper and held it close to the window to the other kid

" hey,do you want to come over ?" it read


At first, I was curious. why this girl always looked outside the window, why she looked like she wanted to hang out with kids our age but couldn't. That's why I always stared outside the window too looking at her , trying to see any sign of sadness on her face , but no she always smiled as she looked outside and her smile was beautiful, I guess that's why I always kept on looking outside too-just to see her smile .

After I turned 15, whenever I came back from school mom and dad would have a fall out and argue sometimes it would lead to dad beating mom up .In attempt to take my minds off things , I would just go put and look through the window because I know she would be there and her smile would make me feel better .

I thought maybe I should give her a reason to smile more so the first time she noticed me , I showed her a heart sign .she laughed and I smiled back too .

But now suddenly she asks " hey , do you want to come over ?"

oh, lord . I'm too young to be thinking what I'm actually thinking right ??