Without her asking, I was definitely going to come back everyday but now that she asked it seemed like there was something wrong .was she afraid I would stop coming ?

Maybe I was just reading too deep into it

" of course , I would . do you have a phone?"

" phone ?"

" yes , a phone . here, let me show you something " I said bringing out mine " with this , I don't even have to come back everyday, I could just call you "

" can I see you with it ?"

" yes, there's something called a video call , you just press this button and you can see the person"

" that's so cool "

" isn't it ? and you can take pictures too . let me show you, stand over there "

Kim stood up and went over to where I pointed

" one... two ...three" click ! " come check it out "

Kim rushed towards me and looked at her picture" wow , I'm so pretty "

I smiled "of course "

" let's take one together"

" should we ?"

" yes "

" okay, we'll take a selfie "

" selfie ?".

" yes , we would be able to see ourselves "

I turned the camera to front view and turned on the timer to 3 seconds, " in three seconds, the picture would be captured, are you ready?"

" yes "

" okay, one ....two....three" at the count of three Kim pecked me again and the camera shuttered .

That was the second time today . omgggg. I squealed internally.

" let me see "

" okay "

" it came out nice"

" it did , didn't it ?"

I watched as Kim admired the picture, " Evans ....can I keep this picture?"

" huh?"

" can I keep this picture ?"

" uh..I would have to print it out "

"okay, when you do can I keep it ?"

" yes "

" really ?"

" yeah"

" thank you "

" I would bring it tomorrow then , I have to go back home now. mom might start looking for me "

" ah, it's late already. I didn't know "

" me either, well bye now "

" bye "

After I left Kim 's I ran to the nearest place I knew so I could print out the picture before heading home. when I got home , mom and dad were having their heated argument as usual but this time ..I went up to my room and smiled wrapped in my own thought.



After Evans had gone home I waited for mom to come home.

" Kim, i'm-"

" mom! mom! mom!" I squealed as I ran to meet her

" yes, what's wrong Kim? are you hurt ?"

I shaked my head" no, it's not that "

" then what ?"

"I need a phone "
