Queen of the desert ants

At first, the honey ants were surprised at the sand surfing.

„Ari ~♪ ari ~♪"

But now, they seem to be having fun as they are ridding the waves and they are squealing with excitement.

I took the opportunity to create a big wave and moved it around, which also surprised and delighted them.

„It's amazing – the magic Horus uses is really amazing."

„Hmm, but it's a magic that can't be used without sand."

„But, on the other hand, if you have sand, the effect is enormous! I think it's great!

Isis praised me. I'm glad to hear that, but for me, I think Isis' Life magic is more amazing.

She made the plants grow so quickly. I, on the other hand, could only move the roots together with my Sand magic.

"Ariri ~ ♪"

One of the honey ants dexterously showed us where to with his finger. The place that he was pointing with his finger, was a huge anthill that looked like a castle.

It was amazing. I didn't realize there was such a large structure in the desert until now. It wasn't within the range that could be detected from the sand castle in terms of distance using 'Sand Detection'.


When we got there, ants urged us to enter. The entrance is wide enough for all of us to pass through at the same time. There were ants that looked like gatekeepers, but they greeted us as we passed the entrance.

The inside of the anthill was also structured with enough room for us to walk around. However , there were a lot of rooms, and the ants were busily moving back and forth.

As we walked further into the anthill, we came to a hall-like area that was much larger than the previous rooms. There was something like a throne there, and there was a single ant, and it's alone? Anyway, there was an ant sitting on it.

It was different from the other ants. This ant had arms and legs that were clearly visible, and it sat the same way as people.


„It talked!"


Oh, what a surprise. The ant sitting on the throne stood up and spoke! Fluently! I couldn't help but shout, as did Isis and even Raku.

„I am sorry for surprising you. I am the chief of this anthill. I am the head of this anthill, the Queen who leads the colony of honey ants."

Oh, I didn't know that ants could speak human language. I've never heard about it before. It must be quite smart.

„Ah, I'm Horus."

„I'm Isis and this is Raku."

„Well, well, It's a pleasure to meet you. By the way, a camel with three lumps is quite unusual."

The Queen turned her head to Raku and seemed to be curious.

„Well, I'm also surprised that you can speak human language."

„Royal species like me have a slightly different body structure than other ants, which is probably why we can understand and speak human language."

It's true that Queen seems to have a body structure similar to humans.

„Well, I'm sorry to have called you all this way. I heard that you saved me from a dangerous situation, and I thought I should thank you for your help."

The Queen ant begins the story. How I saved her from those iron-like ants and that she heard that I saved her from them. She is a very polite ant to thank me for that.

„The ants gave me some honey and thanks to that honey Isis was also saved."

„Yes. When I was weak, Horus fed me honey, and that helped me get well. The ants are the ones who shared the honey with me, so it is I who should be thanking you."

Isis paid her respects. The Queen ant showed a somewhat gentle expression.

„I'm glad that honey we gave you was useful. Even so, to be able to defeat iron ants. You are very strong, aren't you, Horus-sama? (TN: Horus-sama or Lord Horus whatever you prefer more, same meaning)

Iron ant, that seems to be the name of the ants that were attacking honey ants.

„No, I'm just a little good at Sand magic."

„Wow, you are able to use Sand magic? That's amazing."

The Queen of the honey ants was quite impressed. I felt a little embarrased. But it's nice to be recognized like this, even though it's an attribute that was never appreciated in my country.

„But, I guess even ants can be in conflict."

„I'm embarrased to show you this ugliness, but it wasn't like this before. Iron ants are warlike ants, but it doesn't mean they don't know how to talk. I even talked to the King of the iron ants once, and we agreed not to touch each other's ants on the condition that we don't mess with each other's territory…"

The Queen looked down sadly. It seems that the promise was not kept.

„Did the other side invade your territory?"

„Yes. They attacked us without question."

So she is saying that the iron ant King broke his promise unilaterally.

„How often does that happen?"

„We keep our promises unless something goes wrong. Besides, the iron ant King is a strict man. He is an ant who takes responsibility for his words, so I thought it would be impossible from him to go back on his word."

As I listened to her, there seemed to be many things that were puzzling me.

„Ngo, Ngo!"

„Yes. The Iron ant leader will always be male that will be the king."

Then Raku squealed and the Queen ant answered.

„How do you know what is Raku saying?"

I can tell when there is a clear will on board. (TN: probably means when he has good will, not sure though)

That's great. You're a good Queen.

„Ari! Ari!"

While we were talking to the Queen, an ant came running in a panic. It was saying something to the Queen, and I felt it was something tense.

„Oh no! There's a swarm of Iron ants near here!"

Queen stood up. She was clearly upset.


„Yeah, why not. Queen-sama, I can help you repel the iron ants, if you'd like.

„What? But, I don't want to cause you any more trouble than I already have…"

„Don't worry about it. We're all in same ship, and the honey the ants gave us saved Isis's life. For me, that's a bigger deal than this."

Queen called us over to express her gratitude. But for us, it was we who wanted to say thank you.

That's why I'm going to return the favor here.

„…I'm sorry to say that honey ant's fighting strength is much lower than iron ant's. If you can lend us a hand, we'd be very grateful."

„Yes! It's a deal!"

„ I'm coming with you! My Life magic might be of some use!"


„Raku, wait here. I want you keep an eye on the queen."

„Ngo? Ngo!"

Raku's nose twitched with excitement. Well, it's a pretext. If the Iron ant's fighting strength is high, Raku should wait here, in case something happens. The Queen may have sensed this, but she didn't say anything about Raku staying behind.

„…I have one request. I know that this may sound naive, but I'd like you not to kill them. I can't for the life of me believe that the king would do something like this without a reason…."

The Queen bows her head. It seems that she wants to refrain me from being as rough as possible until she knows exactly why.

„I'm sorry. I understand. I'll try not to kill as much as I can, but if I can't help it, I won't be able to hold back."

„Yes. Of course I understand that."

Then we followed honey ant to the place where the iron ant swarm was coming from.

„Oh no! There's already a battle going on!"

„There are so many injured ants… I'm going to heal them!"

„What? Can you even do that?"

„In fact, Life magic is most valuable when it comes to healing."

I see. I'm sure that's true, if you ask me.

Isis is focusing on healing the injured honey ants and I'm thinking about how to get rid of the iron ants.