It's been about a week since I arrived at the Oanns Palace. After the first night things didn't calm down. I was sent straight into lessons, and bombarded with books to read and questions to answer.
I've learned that 'Aunt Sauntie' is in charge of pretty much everything, she even commands Queen Matata on what to do. She is also in charge of training, teaching me, and other Royal Oanns like myself how to use and control our powers.
The queen and Aunt Sauntie do not need to get along from what I've observed. In fact, from what I can tell, no one seems to like Aunt Sauntie, I don't think I do either. Apparently I was not to start living in the Oanns palace until another few more years. Four more years I think it was said. One more year living in the West, then three more at the Southern-Main-castle. The queen decided that she wanted me here, at the palace sooner, so that I would have more time to prepare.
That's another thing, I am to be crowned queen after Matata when I turn sixteen. That's only in SIX years. Having gone with Aunt Sauntie's plan, I would've only had two years at most to prepare. I'm relieved that I was sent here early.
Anna has been on my mind. I made sure to learn that she will now be living with the Matatari's, the southern-main-royals, from now on. I hope they treat her well. I have been allowed to visit her during any longer breaks in my schedule.
Queen Matata believes that I should also receive only the best education, so in the fall, I will be attending the Middle School as a first-year. The Middle School is the most prestigious private school in the world. Almost every royal or noble has or will attend school there.
It's only been a week but I've found living here is exhausting. I've been thrust right into the most important royal family of all the world, given no time to adjust or let any of this new information sink in!
I sit at my vanity desk and take out the journal Aunt Sauntie gifted me. I touch my hand to the stone embedded into the front cover. I was told only I can unlock it by doing so.
With a "click" the journal unlocks and I'm able to open it. The first page reads accordingly:
"This here journal illustrates the thoughts, feelings and life of ___________ Lynninn."
My name must go there, neatly I write my name down "A l l i e-" wait, my name is "Allieoannah" isn't it. Quickly I added the second half of my name. Though this name, my 'real' name doesn't feel right. It's not me.
I wonder what I should write? Do all the Royal Oanns have one of these journals? I wonder what they write? Should I start with, "up until a week ago I was 'Allie the orphan with no parents, now I'm the heir to the world throne."
I let a small laugh out. This is crazy. Just as I'm returning my quill to the inkwell someone knocks on my door.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Laurrie, you head maid, Aunt Sauntie sends for you. She's asked me to fetch you." she replies from behind the doors.
I stand up and open the door, there I see Laurrie standing dressed neatly in her uniform. She looks older than I assume her to be. The wrinkled lines forming on her forehead don't help.
"Um," I say hesitantly, "I don't know where I am supposed to be going…"
"I'll guide you then, but you better remember because I can't lad you there every day. I'm busy you know." Laurrie says and begins to quickly walk down the hallway. I follow, struggling to keep up with her surprisingly fast pace. She takes me down stairs and back hallways, down more stairs and darker halls. I'm nearly out of breath by the time she announces that we've arrived. "Just behind those doors there, I best be going now. Your highness." she curtsies and heads off.
I open the doors expecting a dark room to match the dark, musty hall we took to get here, but no, the room is brimming with daylight. I look up to see the ceiling covered in many skylights.
"You're here Girl, close the door and come here, quickly." Says Aunt Sauntie. I walk over to her, but what is this feeling of anxiety I'm getting? With an old, pale finger she lifts my chin, inspecting me. "How old are you?" she asks.
"T-ten." I say trying to avoid eye contact.
"Hmmf." she gruffs and drops my head. "From this day forward, you are to meet me here at this time EVERY day. Understand?" I nod my head in agreement. "With your words!" she says and slaps me on my upper arm.
"Y-yes." another slap.
"Louder, Clearer! You're to be queen for all's sake! You hear me, Oanna?" she spats. "Lucky you I'm not your etiquette teacher." she says backing away. "Now…" she says, turning around. "Tell me everything you know about Oanna's and how the stone's elemental powers work."