Zhan Fang

Aa usual Yi Chen and Bao Yu went for their morning run. Yi Chen noticed that Bao Yu was lost in her thoughts. He knew very well Bao Yu will not tell him the reasons so he flicked her forehead, "If you don't concentrate, I'm afraid you might end up tripping yourself"

Instead of sneering at him, she kept quiet. Just then she saw a girl was trying to commit suicide by bending down on the bridge railing. Bao Yu looked down and saw the river. She know the river was too deep. if anyone fell in, it'll be too hard to find their body.

Bao Yu didn't waste anytime and ran towards that girl. She pulled her away from the bridge railing. Bao Yu used too much force which made both of them to fell on the ground.

It took few seconds for Yi Chen to understand the situation. He ran towards them and checked on Bao Yu whether she was okay.

Bao Yu stood up and looked at the girl, "There are lot of ways to escape from your sorrows. Why do you have chose to die? You have only one life why do you want to give up so easily. Don't you think everything will be fine once the time passes. If you are dead then what about the people who loves you dearly. What about your family?"

Bao Yu spoke like she didn't think of dying. Just few months ago she wants to disappear from the world but suddenly got she transmigrated into another world. What she misses the most was her family and her friends.

Whenever Qing Ze and Bai Ling doted on Ning Xuan, she reminded of her two friends who did the same to her. Other than getting the job Bao Yu had everything but still she was stupid enough to think to disappear.

How stupid she was?

Yi Chen was more shocked to see Bao Yu's reaction. Bao Yu calmed herself and looked at the girl who gave her a indifferent look.

"Who said I was trying to end my life?"

Bao Yu blinked, "Weren't you trying to jump down?"

"My scarf was blown away by the wind and got stuck. I was trying to reach out by bending on bridge railing"

Bao Yu looked at the way where the girl pointed her finger. When Bao Yu bent down on the bridge railing to give a look she saw a baby pink scarf was barely hanging at the end of the railing.

Bao Yu was embarrassed by thinking the way she behaved.

"It was just a scarf. What if you accidentally fell into the river" Yi Chen sneered at her. Bao Yu hit him, asking him to be quite, "It must be important to you. Wait let me help you"

With the help of Yi Chen holding her, Bao Yu took the scarf and gave it to the girl who was looking shocked to see the strangers helping her.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. We will be leaving" Bao Yu said and turned to leave with Yi Chen but that girl stopped them.

"Okay, now drop your act. You want something from me, don't you? Tell me" she arrogantly blocked their way.

Yi Chen and Bao Yu looked at each other like what's wrong with this girl.

"Stop wasting my time. Tell me. Do you want money? Name the price"

Bao Yu shook her head helplessly, "How much you have suffered in your life to think if anybody helps you it's because they need something return from you" Bao Yu sighed.

That girl looked shocked, "Don't talk like you know everything about me"

"Okay sorry. I misunderstood you and pushed you down. We are even. I will be leaving now. Take care" with that Bao Yu started to walk with Yi Chen.

Zhan Fang looked at them leaving. In her whole life this was her first time who helped Zhan Fang without getting anything in return. At first she hesitated and then decided to follow Yi Chen and Bao Yu.

They didn't noticed Zhan Fang behind them. Bao Yu mood has been changed better. Both, Bao Yu and Yi Chen fooled around, teasing and chasing each other happily when they reached Madam Yi's restaurant.

Zhan Fang envied both of them as she followed them into the Madam Yi's restaurant. When Madam Yi saw that a girl around her son age standing at the entrance fiddling her finger, "Do you want to get inside?"

Zhan Fang was taken back and she looked confused. Bao Yu changed into her uniform and came out from the kitchen saw Zhan Fang, "You.. You followed us?"

Quickly Zhan Fang sat on the table, "Who followed you? I came here to have breakfast"

Bao Yu eyed her suspiciously while passing the menu card to her. Zhan Fang looked at the menu and chose breakfast set.

"That'll be lot for a single person. Can you able to finish it?" Bao Yu asked her. Zhan Fang nodded her head. Bao Yu looked at Madam Yi who was staring back at the girl, "Bao Yu, ask Dong Mei to prepare it"

Bao Yu informed sister Mei to prepare the breakfast.

Zhan Fang eyes wandered around the restaurant. Bao Yu placed a glass in front of her, "Here, drink this ginger lemon water"

Zhan Fang took the glass and took a sip. Her face changed when the strange taste hit her. Bao Yu noticed that, "It's good for your health"

Zhan Fang sighed and emptied the glass. Bao Yu smiled and went inside to bring her the breakfast. When the breakfast served in front of Zhan Fang, she realised it was indeed lot for a single person.

When Bao Yu was about to leave Zhan Fang stopped her, "Can you join me?"

Bao Yu didn't expected her to be polite, "I won't say no for free food"

Madam Yi chuckled when she heard Bao Yu. She remembered it took months for Bao Yu to eat at her heart content.

Zhan Fang lips automatically curved upwards and she started to eat. Bao Yu placed the egg into Zhan Fang's plate, "Eat this. Look how skinny you are"

Zhan Fang somewhat moved by Bao Yu's action and happily ate the egg. Just then her phone started to lit up. Zhan Fang phone was placed on the table, when she saw the caller name Zhan Fang disconnected the call.

Again her phone started to ring, Zhan Fang disconnected the call again. Bao Yu noticed the change of mood, "Are you a high school student?"

Zhan Fang looked at Bao Yu, "I'm in final year of my high school"

"Final year, then you must be eighteen. I'm Bao Yu, sixteen years old" Bao Yu smiled at her. "Zhan Fang. Wait? You're sixteen years old?" Zhan Fang asked her in shock.

"Why you look shocked? Am I look old?" Bao Yu placed her spoon on the table and cupped her cheeks cutely in front of Zhan Fang.

Just then Yi Chen was entered and saw Bao Yu acting cute, "Hey, what the hell acting cute and girly". Yi Chen messed her hair, "Don't ever do that in front me. I'm going to puke"

Bao Yu slapped his hand away, "What's wrong with me being girly"

"Don't mind him. You're cute" Zhan Fang hand automatically went to pinch Bao Yu's cheeks. Yi Chen noticed the girl, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Can't you see I'm having my breakfast? Are you blind?" Zhan Fang asked him.

Yi Chen looked at Bao Yu, who shrugged her shoulder.

Again Zhan Fang phone lit up making her uncomfortable. Bao Yu looked at her, "Do you want me to answer?"

Zhan Fang shook her head, "It's from my classmate. That scarf was not mine. My classmate hanged her scarf there and asked me to bring it back"

"Wait, I don't understand. Why she wants to hang it there? And why she asked you to bring it?" Yi Chen asked her. The same question popped in Bao Yu's mind.

"If I did as she says, I can able to join the group study which she is in" Zhan Fang looked down afraid to meet their eyes.

"Childish" Bao Yu banged the table which startled Zhan Fang, "What's with the kids these days. What's with their childish behaviour?"

Yi Chen placed his hands on her shoulder, "Bao Yu, often you're forgetting that you're a kid too. So stop talking like an old lady"

Bao Yu glared at him and turned to Zhan Fang, "Don't you have any other friends?"

Zhan Fang shook her head. "Don't tell me that you were bullied by others in school?" Yi Chen asked her with doubt.

"No. If I give them money they will leave me alone" Zhan Fang quickly defended herself. Yi Chen and Bao Yu slapped their forehead thinking that this girl don't even know that she was being bullied.

"You don't have to join any group study. He is Yi Chen. He is also in his final year, you can join him to study. I will help you as well" Bao Yu said to her. Yi Chen looked shocked and he whispered to Bao Yu, "Hey you just met her and you wants to form a study group for her?"

Bao Yu ignored him, "We both will help you. But in return you have to listen to us"

At first Zhan Fang was shocked and happy but when she heard Bao Yu, her face changed immediately, "Tell me how much do you want?"

Bao Yu flicked Zhan Fang forehead, "Who wants your damn money? We will be your friend and we will help you"