Chapter 21: Evolution (Part 2)

"Phew!!" Leo let out a long breath as he continued to look at the windows floating in front of him. Since coming into this world, it was the first time he had to make a choice that would have a long-lasting effect. Honestly, he knew that no matter which of the five evolution paths he chose, it would be alright. However, he didn't want it to just be alright. He wanted it to be the best choice he could make.

"Okay, I should calm down and think methodically. First, what do I need?" Leo asked himself and thought of the fight with the snake and the few other fights he had.

The first thing he thought of was his attack power. While he had some decent skill, the attack power he could exhibit was limited. Shadow wasn't the most destructive of the elements so his weak attack could be attributed to that fact. Plus, while his skills were good, none of them could be considered a real killer move. If he was more experienced he could certainly take better advantage of his skills. However, he was not and he had to brute force his way out of most situation.

Then, there was his physical ability. Be it physical strength or physical defense. It could be said that it was one if not the area where Leo lacked the most. During his first day on Aria, Leo mainly hunted small critters so he was able to easily bully them. However, when he was fighting the snake, Leo was made aware of one thing and it was that without his skills, he would have no way to fight against the snake. The most ridiculous fact was that at the time he fought against the snake, he already absorbed the bear bloodline and his physical stats were nothing to scoff at. Sure if it was a game his stats would have put him above the snake and he could win. However, it was not a game and Leo was unable to take advantage of his impressive physical strength. Not only did Leo lack melee skills but his size was too little compared to the snake. If he had tried to brawl with the snake, he would have been like an ant facing..well, a snake. The damage an ant could create with one point of strength was nothing in front of the damage the snake could create with the same point.

So that only left his speed and stealth. They could be considered the only area where Leo shined the most. However, he couldn't sensibly rely on those alone if he wanted to reach the top.

'Sigh.' After musing for a few seconds, Leo sighed heavily. He couldn't help but feel like he lacked too many things. While his power was enough to shred any rank E and even some rank D to tears, Leo knew that it wasn't enough. He wasn't delusional to think that he would only have to fight against beasts of the same rank as him. Also, he knew that if he wanted to take the best from the system, he would have to seek difficult challenges, and the harder they would be, the better his rewards would be too. So the power to fight against those of the same rank only was far from enough.

'So what can each of the four evolution paths add to my arsenal?' Leo thought. He had already eliminated the shadow cheetah since its potential was the lowest and he could get most of its advantage from the reaper cat.

'The Reaper sounds cool and would enhance what I already have. However, I don't need this since I won't lose my shadow cat's skills and I could enhance them by myself.'

'The Tiger is good but it is a no. The description said it is an apex predator in swamps but what about when I am not in a swamp?'

'So that left me with the Lion and the Goddess' pet. One gives me the physical ability and the other gives me the versatility of a mage. However, the biggest advantage of the elemental cat is its affinity with multiple elements and it is something that the system already gives me. But the enhancement to my elemental power isn't something I can ignore either.'


Looking at the description of the two one last time, Leo nodded his head, convinced that it was the best choice he could make. Smiling lightly now that he was sure of this choice she started asking Luxia about the only evolution condition that wasn't already completed. He was hoping he could get what he needed from the shop but it looked like the shop didn't have any. Leo sighed when he heard Luxia's answer but he put it aside. He would ask Celia once she came back. For the time being, he was going to check his reward.

[You have received: Level +2, 15 AP, 10 SP, 30000 SC, LUK +1, Skill upgrade card ×1, Sphinx feather ×1, A title: Forest King, Shop function unlocked.]

[Skill upgrade card: Upon use, upgrade any of your skills of rank D or lower to the next rank without any supplementary costs.]

Raising an eyebrow at that description Leo asked Luxia if he could use it on his bloodline skills too. However, he was disappointed by her answer. Apparently, he needed another kind of card if he wanted to upgrade his bloodline skills.

[Sphinx feather: Epic

The feather of the legendary sphinx. It contains a trace of the sphinx power and it is rumored that anyone who uses it would be granted unfathomable power and wisdom. ]

When he saw that, Leo's eyes started shining like two bright stars, countless thoughts flashing through his mind. Taking the sphinx feather out of the inventory, he started to look at it curiously. After all, it was a part of a mythical creature that he already knew since his old world and he was naturally curious about it.

The feather was a big brown being almost 25 cm. At a simple glance, it was like a plain feather of a big bird. But for Leo that has come in contact with the mystical energy called mana, it was obvious that this feather was everything but just a big feather. It was currently emitting an amount of mana that was even more than what his already cheated self had. As he held it, Leo was assaulted by an incredible pressure and almost felt the urge to worship the feather in his hand. Hastily, he put the feather away and gasped heavily as he remembered the horrifying presence he felt from the feather.

"Fuck, if a single feather is so scary, how powerful the true sphinx was or is." Leo muttered as he checked the forest king title.

[Forest King: You are a ruler of the forest. When fighting in a forest all stats are raised by 30% and all regeneration speeds are increased by 50%.]

Afterward, Leo opened his status windows. When he saw his attribute, he couldn't help but chuckle a little. Surprisingly or not, he had fulfilled the attributes condition for all the evolution paths he had chosen. After pondering a little, he added some stats points to the spirit and closed the status windows.

[Name: Leo

Race: Shadow Cat

Rank: E

Qualification: Common

Title: Reincarnated, Forest King, ???

Status: Healthy

Level: 10/10

Exp: 1900

HP:480 /480

MP: 1680/1680

Stamina: 360/360

CONS : 16 + 15 + 12 >> 43

STR : 19 + 13 + 11 >> 43

AGI : 29 + 7 + 5 + 9 >> 50

INT : 25 + 6 + 10 + 13 >> 54

SPI : 14 + 2 + 5 + 8 +10 >> 39

CHA: 3 + 1 >> 4

LUK: 11 + 1 >> 12

AP: 10

SP: 31


General: Weak Poison Resistance

Rank E: (2/10) Scratch Lv3, Dash Lv4, Appraisal Lv1

Rank D: (1/5) Shadow spike Lv2

Bloodlines skills: Shadow cloak Lv2, Shadow Body Lv1, Shadow Ball Lv1

???????: ####### Lv Max

Talent: Quick Learner, Innate hunter, Sturdy

Elemental Affinity: Shadow, Earth, Poison

Resistance: Poison: 5%


System credit (SC): 11130 SC

Remark: You are too powerful to be considered a rank E but you are certainly trading the right path if you wish to be more than cannon fodder. ]

Now that he was done with the thing he could take care of easily and by himself, Leo laid on the bed and quietly waited for Celia to come back.

Some moment after the door was pushed open and a smiling Celia entered the room. Looking at Leo, Celia furrowed her brows lightly and asked curiously. "Is it me or is there something weird about you?"

"Oh, why did you think so?" Leo asked curiously as he tilted his head lightly and looked at Celia.

"As far as I can remember I was always very sensitive to mana. When I saw you for the first time, I had already felt the impressive amount of mana inside you. At that time it was a little violent and rampant but now. I don't know what you did but now I can feel that your mana is different. It is like it has settled and is calmly flowing. " Celia replied, her voice shaking a little.

"Oh I see, that's an impressive talent. Yes, something has indeed changed while you were gone. And that's why I called you. I need your help with something. "Leo said with a smile.

"Oh for what? If I can, I won't mind at all." Celia answered, having already regained a little of her composure.

"I need some beast cores. " Leo stated

"Oh that's easy we should have some in-store. And the slavers we killed last time also had many on them. You can come to the storehouse with me if you want. " Celia said

"Thank you, I don't mind at all," Leo answered as he jumped toward Celia and settled in her embrace.

Smiling, Celia held Leo against her chest and went out of the room. After stepping out of the room they found themselves in a corridor. The corridor wasn't too large, having just enough space for two people to walk side to side. Just in front of the room, they exited from, there was another room and from a gap in the door, Leo could see Maria sitting on the floor and reading a book. After walking through the corridor, they reached what could be considered the living room. Just like his room, it was simply decorated and the only item that seemed to be of value was a pearl hung in the middle of the room. After walking through the living room, they finally exited the house. They were currently in a valley that had many wooden cabins smaller but styled like the one he and Celia exited.

The valley was beautiful. It was filled with tall trees and the greenery made a beautiful contrast with the dark brown rocky mountains surrounding the valley. Just like Celia said, there were many small ponds of water in the valley and since it wasn't dark, the water inside those ponds was still clear.

"How come the settlement is so empty?" Leo asked Celia as they walked through the empty settlement.

"It's because of the latest event. Many people were injured during the fight. As for those that don't have a strong fighting ability, they are afraid so they hide in their house. Before, though we were not that many, the settlement was always full of life with people talking and laughing everywhere. But now, that's how things are." Celia said with a sad voice.

"It's going to be alright. I'll get rid of those orcs for you." Leo said.

"Hum." Celia replied meekly.

Walking through the not-so-large settlement Leo and Celia arrived in front of a mountain after a few moments. Confused, Leo was about to ask Celia where the storehouse was, but before he could, Celia touched the mountain wall and pressed lightly against it. Following Celia's actions, the mountain's wall in front of them shook slightly and an opening appeared and revealed a corridor hidden behind.

"Wow." Leo exclaimed as he saw a part of the mountain fade away to create an opening.

"It was nothing exceptional, it is just a barrier on which a concealing spell was put, for it to be like a part of the mountain. Like that, if you didn't pay attention you won't know there is something there. To open it I just need to put a little of my mana in it, my mana signature was already recorded, so my mana could open the barrier." Celia explained

After hearing Celia's explanation a look of realization appeared on Leo's face. " Oh, that is smart."

After walking through the corridor, they found themselves in front of a new door, a wooden one this time. Opening it they entered the storehouse that was filled with all sorts of chests. Without hesitation, Celia walked towards a corner with a table that had many chests the size of jewel boxes on it. Celia opened one of the chests and Leo could see that it was filled with perfectly spheric gems that were filled with a gaseous substance whose color became darker as it neared the sphere center.

[Swift falcon core: Rank D

A core containing the mana of a swift falcon and was extracted from it after its death. Could be used in forging or potion-making.]

After making sure there was enough for him to evolve, Leo turned towards Celia.

"Thank you, there is more than enough. Can you put me down now?"

Nodding her head, Celia put Leo down. "You should go away. I think I am going to create a little bit of commotion." Leo added as he went towards the chest. As for Celia went towards the door and started looking curiously, trying to guess what Leo could be trying to do.

Leo opened her system and chose the beast he wished to evolve into.

[Ding... Evolution path successfully selected.]

[All evolution conditions are cleared.]

[Additional item identified... Sphinx feather... New evolution path selected.]

[Starting evolution… Host will be put to sleep during the process….3..2..1..0]

[System shutdown.....]

As the various notifications assaulted Lana, a massive amount of mana gathered from all around and went towards him, creating a true tempest in the storehouse and almost knocking out Celia.

"Fuck, don't tell that this is what he calls a little commotion‼" Celia couldn't help but curse while looking at the mana that so concentrated that it became visible to the naked eyes and created a little tornado around Leo. After some seconds the chaos finally stopped and Celia was able to see Leo sleeping in a sort of translucent cocoon that was made of mana.

"Fuck, that surely didn't go unnoticed." Celia said as she looked towards Leo and could already tell that the aftermath of this event was going to be a true headache.

And she was right, the commotion created by Leo evolution had drawn the attention of many powerful beasts of the forest that had already turned their eyes towards the mountain in the middle of which the Redwater settlement was hidden..

In another settlement, a one-eyed orc snapped his eye open as he looked towards the Redwater settlement. "This mana.." He muttered as a thick amount of killing intent radiated from his body and created a storm around him.