
short chapter well I wait for my mate to finish in class

tywin pov

I was thinking about how proud I am of my son until a message appeared via raven

"to tywin lannister I robert of house baratheon urge you to contain you're son and send back my wifes guards he also had his bodyguard attack my son and heir Joffrey of house baratheon and lannister we want him sent back to the capital to face justice for his crimes"

from robert of house baratheon first of my name king of the anals rhoynar and first men lord protector of the realm

I'm disappointed beacuse when my spies told me Cersei was sending a message I thought she would use her own name and not forge her husbands signature and better yet she is trying to get tytos killed her own brother and hes entitled to the guards loyalty hes my heir after all it seem I'll have to put my foot down and respond but not to Cersei lannister no to Robert baratheon that will put a hole in her plan

I send a servant to get a quill ink and a raven to be prepared for the capital

"to Robert baratheon I ask what you want with my son beacuse even a scratch on him and the west shall have its debts paid in full and a army outside its gates and that means any harm even from my daughter or grandchildren also dont even think about not letting him out of the city or there will be a blade in you're back"

signed tywin lannister warden of the west and the mighty lion

let's see how he responds and what my spies will find out about their conversation

I decide to reward myself with some wine and cant wait for my son's return

chapter was longer than I thought it would be