I did it again

"Good, it's time to sleep," Ukake said as she snuggled into bed, but something prevented her from sleeping.

[The Life of Bruce Lee.] It was a documentary.

Immediately, Ukake's dream disappeared, and he was now staring at his television screen.


[A demonstration of the one-inch stroke.]


[He did this footwork when he saw Mohamed Ali ...]


[After years of study, he managed to learn different martial arts, but then he managed to create his own, which sought effectiveness before showmanship. I call this fighting style Jeet Ku Do.]

Hearing those words, Ukake was dumbfounded.

'It took me years to learn and study the various martial arts to create Jeet Ku Do, but that could have been done by me in several hours.' Ukake pondered this for a while.

That time turned into hours.

[The youngest doctor in the world ...]

Ukake watched that documentary, only to find that he had done it again.

"Shit, I was naive again and misused my ability," Ukake said angrily.

"I was an idiot again." He said self-deprecatingly.

Without realizing it, it had already dawned.

He heard how his uncles would open the door of his house to go to work, so Ukake quickly went downstairs.

"Wait!" He exclaimed, drawing the attention of his family.

"Ukake-Kun, what's up?" They were surprised that he would get up early, even though he hadn't really slept.

"Could you leave me some money?" Ukake asked.

"Sure. There is always money at home, if you go to my closet, in one of the coats there is a credit card, you can use it, but your expenses do not exceed a thousand dollars, we are not that rich." Rentarou said as he left to go to work.

"Oh well." Ukake was a bit stunned by that.

He certainly didn't expect that, but it was a good development.

He went to his uncle's room and took the credit card from his uncle's coat, then left the house and went to the library.


Immediately after entering, He looks for many books.

First, he wanted to read about the human body. He wasn't going to be a doctor or a surgeon, but he would learn every part of the human body.

Ukake focused on Traumatology, Neurology, and General Surgery.

Still, he also learned a little about general medicine, so he could prescribe and diagnose, but some things, he didn't know everything or anything like that.

It takes him seven hours to learn everything, just to go home and get ready for class.

Not before, going through a bookstore and buying some other books, but these were not about medicine, but about physics and he concentrated on the sections of Mechanics, Medical Physics, and Molecular Physics.


Now Ukake was reading the books he had bought on the top of a tree. He did this so that no one would bother him and if the teachers couldn't find out what he was doing.

If he demonstrated his true abilities, he would most likely be promoted in the study level, but he wanted to stay and advance as a normal person, if no one did not serve him, he would request a change of classroom and so on.

"Amamiya-Kun!" Exclaimed a girl.

The girl in question had blue hair and gave off an angelic aura.

"Teruhashi-san," Ukake said coming down from the tree.

"Come on, a week ago you called me Kokomi, but how are you going to call me by my last name?" Kokomi asked with a pout.

"Well, I was doing that as a joke. I'm quite shy, you know?" Ukake said, clearly playing games, but his face was like always.

"... I can't know if the truth or not," Kokomi said dismissively.

"I see. Let me try." Ukake said as he got a little closer to Kokomi.

"I like you." He said quietly and calmly. Kokomi instantly turned red.

"I ... I ..." It didn't seem like she could articulate words properly.

"Don't worry, he just joked," Ukake said without changing his expression.

'What nonsense ...' Ukake thought, the female characters of the anime world are too predictable, at least when they are between 10 and 16 years old.

Ukake started her eating her lunch. Covered by the shade of the tree, he and Kokomi enjoyed a very quiet afternoon.

After school, Ukake went home accompanied by Kokomi, as he used to.

But at one point, the two ended up breaking up. Ukake came home mentally exhausted, learning many things was not exactly easy.

"I'm home," Ukake announced to his family as he climbed the stairs and lay down on his bed.

The next day, Ukake finished reading the books he bought, but now he had another goal.

Have the perfect body.

Being the envy of other boys was one of his reasons, but there was something else.

This world with anime logic is even worse than the normal world, anime tend to exaggerate things like robberies, kidnappings, and so on, so they are even more dangerous than in real life.

But with his enhanced abilities, and with some anime logic on his side, Ukake could escape any dangerous situation.

As soon as he heard that his uncles were leaving he left his house with the intention of going to a gym.

"Hi, I'm here to sign up," Ukake announced to the receptionist.

She and everyone in the place gave him a condescending look.

It was common to see guys come in and get a membership, but it was also common to see them return the membership a few days later, or outright not even showing up at the gym again.

Ukake paid and the receptionist handed him a card stating that he was now a member of the gym.

Right after, Ukake went to the bathrooms and changed clothes for exercise.

As soon as he started using the machines in the establishment, everyone realized that he was not an amateur.

He didn't look like a professional either, but it was clear that he had some experience.

Well, that was all bullshit. Ukake only saw on television how professionals did it and just copied it.

After a long session, Ukake saw that there were some punching bags at the scene.

I take the moment to try something.

Ever since he saw the Bruce Lee documentary, he was fascinated by the one-inch punch.

Ukake wanted to replicate it and tried to do so.


Nothing happened ... it was understandable, Ukake knew what the movement was like, but he didn't know where to apply force or anything about it.

To get the hit, he had to experiment, but hey, he didn't have enough time for that.

He left the gym in his exercise clothes heading to a food stand, hunger was killing him.