Boss of the school

The next day everything was normal, Ukake did everything he normally did before going to school, like exercising, reading a little, but this time he did not try to look for a SQL language book, for some reason, he preferred not to.

Time passed quickly and he went to school as usual.

Upon arrival, he met Kokomi in front of the school gate.

"Hello, waiting for someone?" Ukake asked playing dumb.

"Hump, you left me yesterday," Kokomi said a little annoyed, not only did Ukake not have lunch with her, but he also did not accompany her to her house.

"Sorry, I was doing something important." Ukake was not going to say that he was looking for work, mainly because the school does not allow students to have work, normally this would be because it reduces the students' abilities when learning, but since Ukake can not forget anything...

"Well, I'll forgive you for today, but you must have lunch with me, as well as accompany me to my house today, or at least to the train station!" Kokomi exclaimed with a slight blush.

"I can walk you to lunch, but I won't be able to walk you home anymore. I have important things to do after school." Ukake said seriously.

"..." Kokomi just looked a little sad.

"Hey, don't be like that, maybe I'll only do it for 365 days," Ukake said as he patted Kokomi's head and went to his classroom before the bell rang.

"365 days? That's a year!" Kokomi exclaimed understanding what Ukake meant, just as he touched her head.

When Ukake entered his room, he met an Aren who had a determined look.

"Amamiya-san, here is what you asked for." He said with a smile.

"Thanks, you can call me Ukake or boss if you like," Ukake said jokingly, but Aren took it seriously.

"Boss sounds better," Aren said as he shook his head.

"... Ok." It was all Ukake said, it felt a bit strange to be told that way, but he quickly started to like it.

There was a very extensive list of people, there were several people that Ukake remembered from anime and more, but only a few really served him.

[Nendou Riki. He joined the cause to help, motive: "I want to help others, I would also like to find friends :)"] It was written strangely, but it was Nendou, so it was understandable.

[Baeksan Ryu. He refused the cause, reason: "I AM NOT INTERESTED IN HELPING THE LOSERS!"] It was clear that he had not written it, but it was probably something that he would shout before giving a few blows.

[Park Injae. He joined the cause to help, reason: "They bothered me often, but now I want to change, and for that, I will help others!"] It would probably be something Injae would say.

[Yu ???. He refused the cause, reason: "Hitting people is fun?"] Yes, he probably wrote that ...

Of the entire list, 20% wanted to accept, probably also due to hierarchy. For example, Baeksan Ryu has an entourage, which means that the percentage of people who are with him declined the offer no matter how much they wanted to enter, probably because of their fear of Ryu.

"I see ..." Ukake was seeing this as an opportunity to learn to fight. Baeksan is really strong, he has unique abilities as well as exceptional fighting talent, just like Yu, but fighting Yu as a rookie would be the same as committing suicide.

Ukake was pleasantly surprised to see Injae on the list, although the full name was never seen in the Manhwa, it does not mean that he did not have, except for Yu, who literally forgot his own last name.

"I will take care of this. Anyone who does not join our cause then must be watched, but Baeksan is a danger to us." Ukake said to Aren making him doubt his boss's words.

"What are you talking about?" Aren asked intrigued.

"Baeksan is one of the people I want to get rid of from the school, but if I can recruit him then that would be really good," Ukake said.

"I see, I'll accompany you when you go to see him," Aren said with a smile.



The bell rang and it was lunchtime, but it seems that Ukake should break the promise he made to Kokomi.

Ukake came out with a slightly worried look as did Aren, who was fervently accompanying his boss. Kokomi was waiting outside Ukake's classroom, but when she saw his gaze she decided not to even call him, she followed him silently to one of the most secluded areas inside the school.

It was one of the warehouses where they keep gymnastics things and others.

There were about 14 or 15 boys gathered and they all turned their heads in unison when they saw the figure of Ukake and Aren.

"Who is Baeksan Ryu?" Ukake asked coldly.

Ukake knew who Baeksan was from his appearance is similar to the manhwa, but still decided to act like he didn't know who he was.

One of the boys stood up in an intimidating manner he had a distinctive appearance with very large spiky white hair, white eyes with red pupils, and a commanding smile on his face. Baeksan was not someone big or robust, he had a complexion similar to Aren's.

"I am Amamiya Ukake."

"You're the fool who was trying to recruit me for an I don't know what?" Ryu asked mockingly.

"Indeed. I have come here to corroborate your decision to decline to join my student protection group." Ukake said formally.

"I said it before didn't I? I don't intend to take care of losers." Ryu said as he slowly approached Ukake.

"Then I will have to get you expelled from the school, you are a danger to the students, as well as to the teachers themselves," Ukake said with a determined look.

"Will you try to expel me? Don't make me laugh, you don't even have what it takes to stand in front of me." Ryu said making Ukake start to get irritated.

Although Ukake's main objective was to learn Baeksan Ryu's movements by having him attack first, he was beginning to get irritated, no one had seen him down for a long time.


A hit was heard inside the warehouse.

Aren and Ukake turned, only to see Ijae getting hit.

"Are you Injae?" Ukake asked knowing the answer.

"Yes ... I thought he would vindicate me today, but ..." Injae didn't finish his sentence, a subordinate of Ryu hit him in the face, probably dislocating his jaw.

"Injae!" Aren rushed over to Injae, but a kick from Ryu sent him flying in the direction of Ukake, causing them both to fall to the ground.

"Huh!" Ukake could hear a surprised groan from Kokomi, who was hiding.

"I-I'm sorry boss." Aren apologized as he got up off the ground quickly.

Now the matter had changed, someone was trying to humiliate him in front of Kokomi. This only added a plus to the recipe.

'I will not let them make fun of me ... I WON'T LET THEM TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!' Ukake reacted by throwing a Jab at Ryu Baeksan's face, but he dodged it by leaning his back. Ryu had an impressive elasticity.

"Ah." It was the only thing Ukake said before feeling Ryu's fist hit his face.

(N / A: I remember that there may be a couple or many errors if you are liking the story you can become my editor correcting the grammatical or translation errors * I do not pay, I am poor :, I *)