First day of class

"Good Morning." Ukake greeted his family.

They were on vacation due to the hard work they had done.

"Good morning Ukake-kun!" Greeting Ai.

"Good morning my little friend!" Greeting Rentarou.

"Breakfast is ready, are you ready for your first day of school?"

Winter holidays were over for Ukake, he had used that time to make the first version of page "F". Until now I had about 300 registered users on the page, but today was the first day of school so Ukake had estimated that the number would increase to about 600 or 1,000 people.

People would talk about a new website where you could communicate with your friends, see what they do, and more. The first social network had been created.

Of course, it was a prototype that had only been released in Japan. He knew that it would not become very popular in other places since its servers are in Japan and people who are not close to Asia would find the page very slow, taking into account the internet speed in most places. , it would be almost impossible to get someone addicted to using your page.

"Yes, I look forward to seeing my friends again!" Ukake exclaimed with a fake smile.

He had become a little fond of his family thanks to his way of being, but he had not become fond of anyone else, so he did not care about the others.

"Nice!" Exclaimed Ai.

"How are things going with Teruhashi-san?" Rentarou asked trying to get Ukake to spill the beans.

"I think I should tell you that we are just friends, and I am not going to have any kind of romantic relationship at the moment," Ukake said.

"WHAT !? How can he say that !? Teruhashi-san is clearly in love with you, besides, you must remember Ouyo-Sama Tsukyo" Ai disagreed with Ukake.

"Why do you care so much about that?" Ukake asked.

"Because they'll be waiting for you to one day tell them the magic words and be able to agree to be with you ..." Ai said as she remembered when she became Rentarou's girlfriend.

"When you say magic words you mean the proposition of 'Do you want to be my girlfriend?'


"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I will never say those words in my life," Ukake said.

"So you are one of the proud huh? Good luck finding a girl who declares her love for you." Ai said.

'I don't think he got the message ...'



"Time to go to school, Ukake," Rentarou said.

"IM coming," Ukake said as he came down the stairs with his uniform on.

"Good luck!" Exclaimed Ai.

On the way to his school, Ukake ran into Aren.

"How are the profits going?" Ukake asked.

"Very good. Even though we only worked for a few days, we raised 4,000 yen."

Before winter break, Ukake started a new business. He protects students from other schools. He only charged 100 yen to each student who wanted protection, of course, this was only in other schools, it does not apply to PK high school.

"I understand, distribute it among all the workers," Ukake said.

They kept an account of those who worked protecting people in other schools, and they were paid a salary with which to support themselves.

Almost all PK high school worked for Ukake, of course, if the whole school worked for him, it means that then a student protection group would not be necessary.

This applied to all schools. He needed people to annoy others to sell their services, so he also controlled the other side of the coin.

Baeksan was the only one who knew that Ukake also controlled the thugs so that others would want to hire the protective service.

Aren and Ukake arrived at the school, but they saw a parked car in front of the door.

A new student got out of this car. Dark blue hair and blue eyes, in his hair he wears something like a "barrette" in the shape of a white cross, he is relatively tall and has a good physical complexion.

"Raku Ichijou ..." Susurro Ukake.

Ukake watched him for a while, noticed various things like he wasn't wearing the promise pendant.

When Ukake saw it, he felt a little jealous. Not because of Raku's appearance, or the women around him, or anything like that, but his family. His father is a powerful, wealthy Yakuza and his "fiancee" was even wealthier, his future mother-in-law is CEO of different companies. He had everything figured out.

"Boss?" Aren asked about Ukake's mental stability.

Ukake just shook his head and continued on his way. He was determined to be even bigger.

"It's nothing, come on," Ukake said.

"No, I can't, today there is an important meeting," Aren said.

The protection group had become an official club of the institution. It was the same as a disciplinary club or similar, so students within the club can legally skip classes, but Ukake and quite a few others don't take advantage of this.

Ukake started to walk to his classroom, but he heard something.

It was heavy breathing.

It was coming from the other side of the school wall.

"Oh, I didn't think this would even happen ... I should have imagined it," Ukake whispered with a smile.

Ukake stretched out his hands as if to catch something.


A beautiful girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a big red bow fell into Ukake's arms.

"Catch you," Ukake said with his typical expression.

"Oh thank you." The girl did not bother and jumped from Ukake's arms to the floor and ran to her classroom.

"I owe you one!" She shouted.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked a boy behind Ukake.

The boy was Raku, who for whatever reason, didn't get in Chitoge's way.

"Yes, thanks for asking." It was the only thing Ukake said.

'And thanks for not getting in the way.' He thought with a smile.

(N / A: I remember that there may be a couple or many errors if you are liking the story you can become my editor correcting the grammatical or translation errors * I do not pay, I am poor :,i *)