(The one that got away.)

Chapter eight:

The entire Resistance looked back at Cale Lestin in amazement. To them it was an entire blessing to be even presence of Rey Skywalker's apprentice. While the Resistance was celebrating at the added help. The First Order was seething the other Jedi. The only ones they thought were alive was Luke and the scanvenger Rey. They had no idea that Rey Skywalker had taken in a apprentice of her own.

Kylo was especially seething. He referred to Cale as the one who got away. Snoke always whined to him about not killing the greatest enemy besides Luke, the one with the most potential. This always angered him but he let it slide... until he was told that a group of Resistance sympathies were destroying the bases. At first he didn't pay attention to it but then, it started to happen more frequently until they attacked the biggest attention center. He was going to handle it but Snoke sent him on a mission to find Luke Skywalker's map. Now, was his chance. To kill two birds with one stone.

Luke stood watching Cale with amazement. Luke felt this power built up inside of him. He was proud. Not with Cale, but himself. Yet, he could stare death in the face.