(Back in the Force world.)

Chapter nineteen:

The group of Force user's met up with each other in a hurry. Cale Lestin, Rey Skywalker, Ben Solo, Asoka Tano ready to return to the battle.

It was nice meeting you guys and seeing you again but there's another battle we have to be at... with that let's go. Cale said. However he stopped. This realm it... it wasn't so ugly anymore.

The dirty ground started to have wet lucious grass and flowers. The sky became blue and clear. Fresh clean water was not far behind. A sunny glare hit Cale as he stared at the beautiful, peaceful sight.

It's beautiful, said Asoka Tano.

Our land... it returned to normal. The ghost of Qui- Gon Jinn said looking around. Then people started to form. Souls returning to this heavenly place. It was gorgeous. People looked so happy and cheerful. They were at peace.

We have to go, Rey said to Cale breaking him out of his trance.

Right, Cale replied to his fiance. Cale Lestin, Rey Skywalker, Ben Solo, and Asoka Tano started to run to the spot where they arrived... but they noticed Luke Skywalker and Leia staying.

Ben Solo turned around with a confused face.

Mom? Uncle Luke? We have to go come on, said Ben Solo.

Sweetie, Leia started... We... feel like... it's our time. Leia choked up. She didn't want to break the news to the boy. Ben Solo reeled back in shock.

We? Ben Solo asked.

Ben ever since we've been here it's like... like this is our home. Like we have to stay here... I'm sorry I really am, said Luke Skywalker.

No you're not... No you're not!!! Ben Solo let a couple of tears spill.

I just got you back, Ben Solo whispered. Leia and Han walked up to Ben and hugged him to death. While whispering things in his ear, consoling him.

Meanwhile, Cale Lestin and Rey Skywalker walked up to Luke who looked defeated.

So this is goodbye huh? Said Cale Lestin.

I guess so... come here, Luke said opening up his arms. The two gave a brief hug before separating. Cale then patted Luke on his shoulder.

Your name it's legendary... you'll live on, Cale Lestin told Luke Skywalker.

And so will the Jedi, Luke responded.

Rey walked up to Luke and hugged him. She separated with a couple of tears sliding down her cheeks.

Although you were a horrible teacher... you were the best Jedi, Rey said. Luke gave her a comforting smile and patted her hand.

Cale moved onto Leia and hugged her hard. Cale cried a little on her shoulder before separating.

I'm going to miss you, Cale said.

As will I, Leia agreed wiping away tears of her own. Rey walked up to Leia as well. Giving the last hug love and meaning.

Goodbye... Leia. Rey said.

Don't say goodbye... after all, it isn't the end. Leia said.

With that the portal opened. The four looked at each other before nodding.

Let's go end this war, Cale said.