(Months later.)

Chapter twenty seven:

What do I do? Jones screamed.

Cale sat in the waiting room in the infirmary along with the warriors and his wife Rey. Cale patted Jones on the back, confidently. Suddenly, Asoka Tano's screams invaded their ears. Jones put his head in his hands in worry.

Hey man it's okay, Cale said. The pain she's going through it's for a miracle. A big miracle. Cale told his friend.

Jones smiled at his words and patted Cale's shoulder.

Thank you for that Cale... I needed it. Replied Jones.

The droid rolled in and they all stood. Cale looked at his wife, worried. Rey has been talking about kids and Cale's all for it. But he doesn't want anything to happen to Rey or the child.

Ladies and gentlemen... may I introduce... Ms Rado Jones!

A droid rolled in carrying a torgruta baby girl. They cheered and danced around. Happy for the Jones family. Cale kissed Rey on her forehead and whispered in her ear.

That's going to be us someday. Cale told his wife.

A grin played at Rey's lip's.