The sight of him there, that damn scumbag, it was actually kind of funny. He was only wearing his boxers and a pair of black socks. I hadn't looked at his boxers that closely before, having no interest in them at all. But I couldn't help but see them now and all I could do was laugh. The words SEX MACHINE were written in bright red letters all over the black boxers. He really was full of himself wasn't he?

After that brief instance of me laughing at him he had started to grumble and yell at me.

"I'll get you for this you bitch. I swear, I will never forget this." I ignored him and his words though as I pulled my phone from my purse, I needed to finish this all now.

While I searched for the number I was looking for I talked directly to EZ through my earpiece.

"Hey, I'm ready for the car." It was quick and to the point, but he had something more to say about it.

"I heard the fight go down. What the hell happened in there?" He sounded nervous.

"He had a girl tied up under his bed. He was even further down his little rabbit hole than I had expected."

"Are you OK Jacy? Did he hurt you?" EZ sounded so concerned for me, even though it wasn't warranted.

"I'm fine, he didn't hit me at all."

"Not once?"

EZ always seemed so shocked when I managed to win these types of fights. I had met him seven years ago, when he was a fifteen year old sophomore in college. I was tracking a perp that was on his campus and came across a group of thugs giving him a hard time. They thought he was the perfect target for them because at the time he was only five foot one and very obviously gay. They were homophobes who picked on people smaller and weaker than them. Needless to say I saved him that day and he latched onto me then. We've been helping each other since. I would stand up for him and he would use his big brain to help me catch bad guys. Since he was the only son in a very accepting family with more than a ton of money he was able to do as he pleased.

"Not once." I confirmed. I had found the number I was looking for and had pressed the call button. "I'm letting him know what's up. Chances are he was assigned to this woman's case. Can you get here quicker than him so I can change my clothes?"

"I'm already here." He said just as my phone rang for a third time.

"Good. We're in room 301."

"What do you take me for?" He laughed until the ringing on my phone stopped and an angry voice answered.

"I swear to all things holy and unholy, Kai, if this isn't an emergency then I will fucking kill you." The man who had answered the phone, Ellucian Leight, was groggy and very mad.

"I need you to meet me at Super Days Motel downtown."

"What the fuck did you get yourself into now?" His voice was a little more clear but no less angry.

Angry was just the normal for the man. Ellucian was a detective in the Boston Police Department. Every day he dealt with idiot criminals, incompetant rookies, and even angrier superiors. He once told me he envied me because I answered only to myself, and of course the bail bondsman who hired me to catch their bounties.

I had met Ellucian when I first moved away from home. A man had tried to accost me but I put him in his place. To be precise, I was eighteen and the man thought he could get some tender love from fresh meat. He was the one who looked like meat after that, his face was swollen, bloody, and scraped all to hell. He looked like a hamburger head.

Ellucian, Lucian as he told me to call him, was the rookie cop who responded to the disturbance call. He was even the one who told me to become a bounty hunter since I had no problem fighting and defending myself. It also didn't help that he could tell what I was.

There was a little more grumbling coming from the phone as I clearly heard Lucian getting out of the bed.

"I'll be there in ten minutes, and this better be worth me losing my beauty sleep over."

"Thanks Lucian, we're in room 301. You can go in through the east door by the stairs."

"Yeah, yeah." He disconnected the call then. I knew he sounded perpetually angry, but he was a good guy and an excellent cop.

"Someone sounded pissed." I heard EZ's voice then as he came into the room, I didn't bother to ask him how he had opened it without a key. Chances are he had cloned a copy of the magnetic master key for the building so that he could enter when he was needed.

"Nah, he just sounded like himself." I laughed as I turned to face him. EZ and Lucian were friends as well but not close. They were friends only because they were both friends with me.

"Here, change before he gets here." EZ tossed me a backpack with everything I would need to transform from a hooker into a bounty hunter.

I didn't bother to leave the room to change, it would take too much time. I just quickly slid the stiletto boots and dress off and pulled on my favorite pair of dark blue, or they used to be, jeans. I pulled on a pair of socks and stuffed my feet into the boots I preferred over the death traps I had been wearing. Finally I pulled on a t-shirt with an anime picture on it and topped it with my leather jacket.

After the clothes were in place I used a hair tie to pull the long flowing locks back into a ponytail. I didn't braid it, I just needed to contain it. I was now ready to get back to work.

"You know, it's a good thing that I am gay, and he can't see you." He indicated the piece of scum I had captured and left to sob his anger into the floor. "Because you gave one hell of a peep show just now." He was laughing at me.

"Well, you're like a sister to me and like you said, he can't see me. Plus, I didn't have time to put on a bra, Lucian will be here soon." With that I finished stuffing my hooker garb into the backpack and tossed it back to EZ.