After I had watched her walk away I stood next to Lucian. He was the only one in the room that towered over me, standing at six feet seven inches tall. Turner was six foot one and Captain knight was just an inch taller than me at five feet eleven inches tall.

Captain Knight was aging, his black hair graying and there were plenty of wrinkles around his dark blue eyes. He was probably a good looking guy in his prime, but he was aging, pudgy, and angry now. Turner was a decent looking guy with a sweet face that was just a little too soft and child like for a man in his early thirties. His face didn't match his body at all which was in pretty good shape. And his bright blonde hair and brown eyes were nice enough, but his looks just didn't do it for me. Lucian was probably the best looking among the three of them. He was tall, chiseled, and sexy. His dark brown hair and warm hazel eyes were quite appealing. And his body was so well toned that it was like most men's dreams.

I had actually dated Lucian for a little while, not long after we met. But we both realized that that ship was not for us. We were better off friends and we both knew it. That's what we have been for years now and it wasn't likely to change.

"So, Jacy, what are you going to do about your bounty?" Lucian asked, knowing that I knew they were going to be taking Scummy with them instead of letting me deliver him.

"I'll explain it all to Ronnie, she's usually very understanding. As long as he ends up back in jail I should get paid. If not, well then at least I helped that young girl."

"You always get emotional when it comes to cases involving kids." Lucian spoke somberly as he remembered how I had been in the past.

"Seventeen isn't much of a kid." Turner pointed out. "Yes she is under eighteen but she is almost an adult."

"Doesn't matter, she is still a kid and she shouldn't have to see the horrors of the world, no one should." I was still looking out the door, a little dazed for the moment, as I told this to Turner.

"I wish I knew who hurt you to make you into the person you are now." Captain Knight shuddered as he thought about it. I actually don't think he would want to know about that at all, ever.

I shot EZ a text, telling him that I was going to ride to the station with Lucian so I could give my statement and that I could then get home from there on my own. I told him to head home and that I would see him tomorrow.

I went over everything that had happened from the point I had set my trap outside the bar until I had called Lucian. I had let them record my statement so they could transcribe it later, it made things go by a lot quicker that way.

All things considered it didn't take long for them to get my story down and I didn't have to worry about them believing me. I had a good enough reputation with them and they knew that I was no liar or criminal.

I got a cab and was on my way home when I saw the bar that was about a block from my apartment.

"Stop here, will you." I called out to the cabbie who was driving me home. Without a word he just pulled to the curb, accepted my payment and tip, and I was out.

I don't usually drink, just like I told Scummy earlier, but sometimes I just feel the need to have a drink or two. Something to take the edge off a day at work. And today had been that kind of a hard day.

There was still a little while before last call so I went straight to a bar stool at the counter and sat down.

"You better have some ID." The bartender barked at me immediately. I always got carded, another reason I didn't drink often.

"I do." I told him as I flipped open my wallet showing him my license and my ID that proved that I was a bounty hunter.

"Good, now what can I get for you?"


"Straight?" He looked surprised by my order.


"Someone is looking to forget something or someone." He seemed to hum as he poured the glass for me.

"It was just a hard day at work."

"Must have been really bad."

"It was, so make my order a double and don't go far with that bottle.

I picked up the first glass just as he sat down the second. With one quick movement I downed the burning liquid in one gulp. Just as quickly, I downed the second one.

"Damn girl, slow down."

"It's almost closing time, so there's not enough time to slow down." I grimaced at him. "Let me get two more."

"Coming right up."

He poured two more just as quickly as he had the first set. I downed those just as quickly as I had the first two. The pleasant warmth was starting to spread through my entire body, I was getting to the point where I wanted to be.

"One more set." I looked at the man behind the bar. A tall, lanky looking man with slightly longer brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and a goatee. He looked like a mix of a hipster and a grunge band member. At least his clothes looked mostly respectable since this was a nicer place.

The bartender poured the fifth and sixth drinks for me and stepped back, scared, as I downed them as well. Just then that pleasant mental numbness settled in, that foggy feeling that told me I was already starting to get drunk. Then, through that fog I heard a man speak from behind me.

"Now, what is a beautiful lady such as yourself doing over here drinking all alone."