"How do you do that?" Jason asked me as I sat the kids down after spinning them around and around.

"Do what?" I wondered as he looked at me with awe.

"You can catch them on the fly like that. That's hard even for us to do." Oliver answered for him. "I mean, don't get me wrong, we can carry them both easily enough, but catching them when they both jump at you so forcefully."

"I don't know, it's not something I really thought about." I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe it's because I stay in good shape for work." As far as they knew, I worked out a lot. There was no need for me to tell them that I had a bit of supernatural help with that whole strength thing. I don't quite think that they would understand exactly what that means.

"No offense, Jacy, but we're guys, we should be able to do it too." Jason didn't sound condescending, he didn't sound prideful or rude, just matter of fact.

"Everyone has their own special talents." I placated them as their words grated me. I know that they didn't mean anything by it, but those types of remarks always pissed me off. Trying to say that women weren't as strong as men.

I let those words slide though, I didn't need to ruin brunch, which was now about to become full on lunch because I had been late. We all sat down in our usual places, EZ next to me on the right and Mom on the left.

Discussions started as usual. How was everyone doing? How were the kids doing? Were the sisters doing good? Did anyone need anything? Then things started to lull in that department. Thankfully the meal was almost over.

But that meant that other things could happen.

Laurell and Bechard were great, the nicest people ever, but they were also really open. They encouraged their kids to be who they were no matter what, and since they pretty much guessed I had had an aerobic night they were likely to ask about it.

After the food was done we had all moved out to the veranda so the kids could play and we could talk. Jason, Oliver, and Sebastian went to play basketball so that the only ones left there with me were the core members of the Horne family. All of which were looking at me very intently.

"Sooo." Laurell dragged the word out sounding very suggestive.

"So, what?" I asked as innocently as I could while I avoided their stares and took a drink of my orange juice.

"Sooo, who was he?" Sapphire asked me almost the exact same thing that was asked earlier.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, that bad?" Bechard laughed. "You're too much like my son here. You need to be more like me."

"Uhh!" EZ scoffed when he heard that. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you give it up too easy. When you do that you end up with memories you'd rather not have."

"I'm sorry I was born with a name that made me promiscuous. We can't all have a name like yours Daddy. No one is as HARD to get as Bechard." EZ and the others were laughing now. "But I bet you Nan and Pop gave you that name cause they were just as perverted as I am."

"Maybe, but I took it another way, since I was the one to play hard to get. Your mother had to chase me so-."

"Yeah, yeah, we know Dad, we know. Please don't regale with that tale again." EZ had his left hand on his throat as if trying to hold back a gag and his right hand held out in a stopping motion to ward off Bechard. "I have had enough trauma from that story in my life."

Everyone was laughing now, the mood definitely looking up. I was always happy around this family and wished that mine could have been more like them when I was growing up. But they weren't done with me just yet.

"Seriously though, Jacy, if you need to talk, we're here for you." Bechard was like my ideal image of a dad: strong, capable, and kind. He was just a really caring and compassionate man.

"Thank you." I smiled at him honestly as the talk turned to more neutral subjects.

I thought that the excitement for the day was completely done with after that but before I could leave Laurell called out to me.

"Sweetie, you know you're not leaving yet."

"Is something wrong Mom?" I asked her, confused. I knew that there was nothing else that I needed to do.

"It's been three months."

"Oh." I hadn't even paid attention to that, silly me.

"It's new car day." She was grinning, she always liked these days. She was usually the one to pick out the car and it was always in her name. "Come now." She beckoned me forward.

We walked together to the garage, which was large enough to house at least ten cars, with lots of room to spare. There, right inside the door, was a brand new truck with a red ribbon on it.

Laurell always did that, she made the new car day into a big show for me. I didn't mind because it made her happy.

The truck she had gotten me this time was a Dodge Ram, brand new, and knowing Laurell it was fully loaded with every add on possible. Best of all, it was a dark midnight blue, my favorite. Much better than the white escalade that she had gotten me.

"I love it, thank you Mom." I walked to her side and hugged her. She was about five inches shorter than me but seemed so much larger with her giving and loving personality.

"Hopefully it will work out for you." Bechard added.

"Thanks Dad." I hugged him as well.

"You're welcome sweetheart." He squeezed me back.

We said our goodbyes and soon it was time for me to leave, with EZ right there with me. He was coming into the city with me and was going to stay over at my place after I went to the club with him. He insisted on me going with him at least twice a month, unless I was working. I worked a lot.