Bastian offered to watch Sandy Fink while we slept. I took him up on the offer and hoped that he wasn't going to double cross me. At least he smelled like a trustworthy guy. The truth of the matter was though, that me and Kyle needed sleep so that we could make it back to Boston with our captive.

We went back to the room while Bastian watched Sandy out in the woods. We got a few hours of sleep and some breakfast before we went back to where we had left them. Thankfully, they were both still there. 

"Morning." Bastian called out to us as he yawned. "This fucking bitch here wouldn't shut up."

"Really? What was he saying?" Kyle glared at the scumbag that was once again cowering before us. 

"He was begging me to let him go. He seems to think that I only turned on him because you were there. He doesn't seem to realize I was going to drop his ass at the police station from the beginning."

"At least we had an ally in there." Kyle grinned.