I cannot believe that my woman sat there and told a man he could stay at her place. WHILE SHE WAS THERE. What the hell was she thinking? Was she trying to make me jealous? Was she trying to make my beast angry and possessive? If she was then she was succeeding.

I had to set my foot down and tell her that she would stay at my place if he was going to stay at her place. I was happy too, when she said the first thing that came to her mind which was actually an agreement. That meant that deep down she wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her. I was glad that her subconscious was more honest than she was.

After Jacy spent forever showing that damn bird around her condo I had to literally carry her out and to my place. I knew that she was trying to delay us leaving. She was practically desperate for a life preserver to save her from having to go back with me. Did she think I was going to gobble her up or something?