After Bastian and EZ were done having their little discussion it was time for Kyle to bring something up. He spoke while I ate my bacon. He was lucky that he hadn't touched it.

"With how things are changing between us all, I think it is time for you to change your business model." He was talking to me, like I actually had a business.

"What business model? I am a bounty hunter. I am freelance."

"Exactly. Completely unreliable. You need to set something more permanent into place."

"I don't do permanent." I pointed this out to him while I continued munching on the delicious piece of greasy pig that had been fried extra crispy for me.

"You didn't do permanent." He glared at me for a second. "But things are different now. You have a mate. You cannot run away from me."

"I could if I wanted to." I joked with him.

"I would follow you to the ends of the earth." He grinned right back. "I can be very persistent."