What kind of things was it that Jacy needed to get? Why had she pulled away from me at such a crucial point? What was she going to do? The anticipation and slight fear of the unknown was exhilarating. I just knew that I was in for something exciting.

I heard her go into the closet. I could tell that she was rummaging in there for a moment getting something that she needed or wanted for this experience. However, it sounded like she was in my closet and I couldn't think of anything that could possibly be in my closet that would be useful in this type of situation. Did she hide something in there while I was out of the house? Or maybe while I was in the shower? This was going to be interesting though. I just knew it was going to be.

"I need a couple more things." Jacy's voice was holding a note of excitement as she walked out of the closet and set her other 'supplies' down near the bed. "Don't go anywhere." She kissed my cheek as she leaned over me.