It was time for the ring bearer and flower girl to start the process. The little boy, whose name was Charlie, and the little girl, named Hailey, just stared awkwardly at Lucian and I before they walked down the aisle. When it was time, EZ and Bastian started to walk arm in arm down the aisle after them.

"I did not appreciate that." I growled at Lucian now that we were alone. "What the hell did you do that for?" I still couldn't believe that he had dragged me down the hallway all the way to this room.

"We needed to hurry; you heard Jazmine." He looked determined and not at all repentant.

"She did not say that we were running that far behind. That was totally unnecessary."

"I'm sorry, I just want to get this rolling. You saw what happened, Jacy. What were the odds that I would meet her right then and there?" The excitement and happiness in his eyes almost made it enough for me to forgive him. Almost!