While Jacy went to take a nap I called Baxter. I needed to know if he had found anything out yet. I didn't want to drag our feet on this investigation. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't told or even asked Winston and Jazmine about the incident. I hope like fucking hell that my cousin wasn't in on this.

"Hello Boss." Baxter always referred to me as boss when he was in work mode like this. There was no trace of his usually good natured attitude.

"Hello Baxter. Please tell me you have something for me." I could hear the intensity that was filling the words as I spoke.

"I'm afraid I haven't been able to narrow it down much yet. I am still reviewing the footage with my crew. We got started a little before nine. Winston and Jazmine were still sleeping when we woke them up." There was frustration clear in his voice about the delay that he had suffered.